Ch.2: Goodbye Mom and Hello New Home

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Ch.2: Goodbye Mom, and Hello New Home

I called Ashley and explained to her all the harsh things my mother said with my teary eyes and all. I bawled out while gasping for air every other word.

"Mom is being me-mean to me. She told me that she regretted have-having me. I've nev-never felt so unloved."

"Okay whoa calm down Claire! Do you want me to come pick you up?" She asked in a concerning voice.

"Yes! . . . I just want to get away from here!" I screamed out.

"Alright, I'm on my way girl. Just pack and I'll be around the corner in no time." Ashley quickly replied then hanging up the next second.

I grabbed my pink and white Pastry bag and headed towards my closet to pack.

I didn't want to take too many things, so that it wouldn't look obvious that I was leaving home. All I took was a pair of flip flops, a tank, shorts, and loads of underwear and stuffed them into the bag.

Before I left out, I snatched my cell phone charger from the wall, gave my bedroom one last glance, then shut the door.

As I was walking down the steps, I noticed my mom was sitting by the reserved dining table angrily starring out the glass sliding double doors.

Soon as I hit the last stair, she gave me a mean look and cranked up her engine again to start yelling at me with the same heated steam.

All I heard was, "Blah, Blah, Blah...I wish I had another daughter! Blah, Blah, Ryan is a better child than you." And some other things, but basically repeats of what she had already mentioned earlier.

My phone vibrated in the middle of all the chaos. I received a text from Ashley.

Ash: I'm outside, come 2 the corner.

Me: Kay, I'll try 2 come out, my mother is still lecturing me at the moment.

I pressed the send button and looked up to find my mother standing right behind me. I knew I smelled her scent and felt her body heat close to me but I was too focused on texting back to realize it.

"Who the hell are you texting? It better not be that stupid friend Ashley!" my mother screeched.

In the mist of all the hostility, I remained quiet.

"I'm talking to you!" she roared.

I still didn't speak.

Soon enough, I received another slap on my face, yet again. With that action she added, "Look at you, you look just like a trashy slut wearing a silver belt AND a ponytail!" You think I'm happy with you, I'm not! If you left out the house right now, I wouldn't even give a damn!"

I don't understand why she would think wearing a silver belt and a ponytail is trashy. She never thought so before... my mother just tries to find anything to insult me even if it did not make any sense.

She realized that I wasn't going to give her any feedback so she just gave up trying and sat back down next to the chair by the window door and resumed looking out.

Now it was time to make my move.

I quietly got up with my bag on my arms, and walked out the front door, leaving behind all the pain and suffering.

Once I closed the door behind me, I glanced around to see if my father of brother was in site. Nobody was around. I made a dash to the side of the house by the backyard, straight through the playground onto the neighbor's yard to finally reach the street on the corner of my house to find Ashley white convertible parked right across their yard.

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