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A warm light illuminates the Augustin family. A lounge, an armchair and a single wooden chair are situated centre-stage in a semi-circle formation. A large scrim hangs upstage, illustrated with a projection of glass windows and worn drapes. Mrs Augustin, Clemence and Rosalie sprawl along the lounge together while Mr Augustin sits on the armchair reading a newspaper. Adellyn sits on the wooden chair with 'A Vindication of the Rights of Men' in her hand. The women of the house are bursting with conversation.

CLEMENCE: (Whimsical) I simply cannot wait any longer.

ROSALIE: (Sighs) A gentleman. Can you imagine our wedding? All the celebrations, the beautiful dresses, jewels, and the dances.

CLEMENCE: Oui, Oui, and all the ribbons, colours and you must not forget the admiration of everyone for us.

ADELLYN: (Purrs) Typiqué. And who has not assumed the idea of Papa marrying you to some poor farmer? Or perhaps shipping you to another world? La perfection

MRS AUGUSTIN: Adellyn, restraint would be desirable if you intend to open that ill-mannered mouth of yours.

ADELLYN: The expression of my imagination is snubbed, Mére?

MRS AUGUSTIN: (Laughs with one huff of breath) You do well not to push me handsome daughter.

ADDELYN: Mére, it is my duty. As you remind me too often.

Clemence and Rosalie laugh at their disagreement.

MR AUGUSTIN: Cesser!(Half of his face still remains hidden behind the large rectangular paper) I will not endure this bickering amongst you creatures.

CLEMENCE: But Papa, you will promise to find me a husband?

ADELLYN: (Sarcastically) Papa will certainly have to try.

Clemence and Rosalie shoot her a glare.

ROSALIE: (pipes up) Myself included?

Adellyn's father bends the corner of his newspaper down and raises his eyebrow at his daughters. Clemence and Rosalie bend their lips into innocent smiles.

MR AUGUSTIN: Oui, when the occasion bestows itself....

Clemence and Rosalie squeal, whilst Adellyn rolls her eyes.

MRS AUGUSTIN: (Pulls Adellyn's long braid.) If you please, improve your countenance. A young lady with such a sour disposition will not persuade men. (Rambles under her breath). S'il vous plaît Adellyn, s'il vous plait.

Rosalie turns away in the direction of the scrim and Clemence follows her movement. (The audience cannot see the postman. The reaction and expression by the young ladies is used to signal his upcoming arrival)

CLEMENCE: Post! Post!

Clemence and Rosalie rise from the lounge.

ROSALIE: May I be excused to fetch the post?

Clemence and Rosalie walk to DOWN SL and Mr Augustin arises from his armchair, following his youngest daughters. Postman enters from SL WING and walks downstage to family. Adellyn and Mrs Augustin move downstage. Mr Augustin pushes through his young daughters to meet the Postman.

POSTMAN: Bonjour, Mr Augustin. (Eyes dart towards the young ladies behind Mr Augustin.) Mademoiselle. (To Clemence) Mademoiselle. (To Rosalie)

The two young ladies giggle.

MR AUGUSTIN: How much do I owe you boy?

POSTMAN: Two silver livre.


POSTMAN: Oui Sir. One is peculiar. It is addressed to an... Allister Augustin. (Looks up to Mr Augustin)

ADELLYN: (Whispers) Pardon?

MR AUGUSTIN: There is no one here who answers to that name. Take it back to the post, boy.

POSTMAN: (Nods and retires letter to his postal bag) Bonne journée.

CLEMENCE & ROSALIE: (In unison) Au revoir.

Postman smiles. Moves to exit SL WINGS.

Adellyn remains motionless as her gaze follows the postman while her remaining family return to their original seats.

ADELLYN: Attendez!


ADELLYN: That letter?


ADELLYN: I believe it is mine?

POSTMAN: Allister?

ADELLYN: (Reveals coins in hand) I will pay for it.

POSTMAN: As you wish.

ADELLYN: (Smiles) Je vous remercie.

Postman exits SL.

Adellyn faces audience completely and rips open wax seal. Adellyn reads the letter in silence. Mrs Augustin and her sisters call on Adellyn from behind.

MRS AUGUSTIN: Adellyn. Adellyn.

CLEMENCE: Our sister does not have our blood running through her veins.

(Rosalie and Clemence giggle.)

MRS AUGUSTIN: Adellyn, what comes from this?

(To her younger daughters) What have I done to warrant this? Adellyn!

ADELLYN: (Cheerily) Oui, Mére?

MOTHER: Come! We need to talk about the opportunity graciously bestowed upon you by your father. Marriage is on the horizon.

ADELLYN: Non, Mére.

MOTHER: Oui, Oui. There is a ball upon us in the upcoming month and you must.

ADELLYN: S'il vous plait non!

MOTHER: This is not up for discussion.

Clemence and Rosalie giggle at the encounter.

ADELLYN: 'Ecouter mere!

Nicolas runs from SL WING.

NICOLAS: Adellyn, Adellyn, Adellyn!

Adellyn chases after her younger brother. Nicolas runs around the outside of the furniture and Adellyn follows chasing him.

MOTHER: Cesser! Both of you.

They run off SL WING.


Ludwig van Beethoven's Sonata no. 25, op.79 plays.

Scene dissipates.

The actors present during SCENE ONE remove the armchair and wooden chair from the scene. The cushion from the lounge is removed to reveal a wooden structure of a garden bench and is moved downstage.

The projected background fades and re-illuminates a stone wall ensnared with green vines.

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