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The scene erupts with chaos as the Augustin family settles down. Mr Augustin is sitting on the right head of the table, Anastasié and her husband sit in the middle with their baby, while Clemence and Rosalie hover around their older sister, intrigued by the baby. André sits strong and proper beside Anastasié with a dull, muted face. As the lights turn on, a flurry of chatter occurs. Classical music fades to a soft end.

CLEMENCE: Sister, she is so exceedingly lovely.

ROSALIE: I have never seen anything more beautiful!

ANASTASIE: Well if she came from me, of course she would be perfect.

ROSALIE: What do you think Mr Moreau?

ANDRE: A perfect daughter, hopefully accompanied by a brother soon enough.

ANASTASIE: Oui, many brothers.

(Mrs Augustin paces frantically up and down length of table)

MOTHER: All right, dinner will be served momentarily. (To Clemence and Rosalie) Where are your brother and sister?

CLEMENCE: I believe they ran away.

(Clemence and Rosalie giggle)

Adellyn appears from SR with Nicolas

MOTHER: I do not wish to ask where you have been. Just be seated.

Adellyn ignores her Mother and plants herself down firmly next to her father. Mrs Augustin exits SR again.

FATHER: I do trust you not lead Nicolas astray.

ADELLYN: Non Pére.

Nicolas sits between Adellyn and Anastasié. The chatter continues between the Augustin family. Adellyn sits silently examining her cutlery.

ANASTASIE: Younger sister, what has Mére told us about sour faces?

ADELLYN: That men sway away.

ANASTASIE: Oui, oui. I see there is not a place set for a gentleman of your calling.

ADELLYN: You sound more like mother every time we meet, dear sister.

ANASTASIE: Mhm. At least our mother cares about our wellbeing. And I hope that I can pass that onto my own.

ADELLYN: She is beautiful. I see that comes from you Anastasié. I only hope her intelligence comes from somewhere else.


ANASTASIE: Never mind father, Adellyn will soon learn consequences from opening her mouth like that. Restraint is a better option, I do advise you to move towards that.

ADELLYN: I see you have high hopes for women, dear sister.

MR AUGUSTIN: Cesser. This is not the time nor place, Adellyn.

ADELLYN: Pardon, Pére.

Mrs Augustin walks in SR.

MRS AUGUSTIN: Settle down.

Mrs Augustin takes a place on the other end of the table looking frazzled.

MRS AUGUSTIN: Everything is in place, my family.

ANASTASIE: Oui, Mére, it is so merveilleux to be home—I love...

ADELLYN: ––When will you be returning back to your home?


ANASTASIE: I always have been fond of your wit, sister.

MRS AUGUSTIN: Non, it is not acceptable at this table.

Adellyn hides a smirk.

And it is not acceptable anywhere else for that matter.

The clatters of cutlery are the only sounds from the dining table.

I have told you many times before Adellyn of what will come if you do not keep your tongue firmly inside of your mouth. I have tried and tried to help—

ADELLYN: –– Help me, Mére? Is that what you are going to say?

MRS AUGUSTIN: You are an ungrateful daughter; I have always tried to help.

ADELLYN: Your attempts fail.

ANASTASIE: And who is at fault for such a matter?

ADELLYN: Just because I do not follow in your footsteps sister, does not mean I am set on a destructive path.

ANASTASIE: That is exactly where you will head and it is not me who is telling you. It is the world.

ADELLYN: Well excuse me if I choose not to listen to the world.

MRS AUGUSTIN: You would be foolish not to, Adellyn.

ADELLYN: Then you have raised a foo—

MRS AUGUSTIN: –– I have done no such thing! I will not sit here any longer and watch you throw your life away Adellyn. What will happen when your Father, God forbid, dies? Who will support you?

ADELLYN: I would rather have Father ridicule me from above this earth than have him know I was trapped in a life I simply do not wish to possess.

MRS AUGUSTIN: And sometimes it will not be your decision. (To her husband) Please do tell your spirited daughter of your plans for the end of this year.



MR AUGUSTIN: Adellyn, this is simply something that has to be don––

ADELLYN: –– Non!

MR AUGUSTIN: You do not have any other option.


Nicolas takes Adellyn's hand.

MR AUGUSTIN: You will be married by the end to the year to a man of my choos—

ADELLYN: (Stands abruptly) NON! (Runs off, SL)

MOTHER: After all that we have done.

Nicolas rises and walks after Adellyn, while the rest of the Augustin family watches. Silence engulfs the table.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: 'Great G Minor Symphony' plays.

The dinner table and chairs are removed from the set. The projection lowers to black. A nightstand is placed centre, downstage along with a small stool.

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