Ch 20~Naruto Story: Innocence Brings Out the best

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Chapter 20


I look at Sakura and seeing her shift in her sleep “Mm..”

I sigh, relieved that she didn’t wake up. I quickly grab the blankets and pull them on me to go to sleep.

I’m training in the forest with Naruto and Sasuke the next day. Sakura was Tazuna since she was done with the tree climbing practice.

I think my mini training session yesterday night helped me walk up the tree. I slowly walk up the tree with the same amount of chakra that was needed and fall off, before marking the tree with my kunai.


I focus a burst of chakra and run up the tree. I keep running until I’m on one of the branches.

“Yes! I did it!” I yell jumping up and down.

I see Naruto and Sasuke looking at me from the ground.

“Looks like the girls on our teams are doing very well than the boys,” Kakashi comments.

They both growl and keep practicing to get up the tree.

“Kakashi san can I explore?” I say happily from the branch.

“Sure, just make sure you don’t go that far,” he yells to me.

“Haii” I jump on another tree branch and see a river not that far away.

I go towards the river and see an open clearway. When I go towards the water, I see it was a slow moving current, seeing fish flow through. I walk along the river and hear a something to my left.


I turn my head to see long growing grass and hear a growl. I run and jump on a tree branch, scanning the ground where the grass was.

I see something orange move, cautiously I jump on another tree branch to move closer.

When I move closer, I see an injured animal laying on the ground.

I look around to make sure the coast was clear, when I didn’t see any other animals around, I jump down at the edge of the grass.

The small animal sees me and growls. I freeze and don’t move, watching the animal. It watches me back, tensing its body.


“Don’t move, you’re hurt” I say softly, kneeling where I was.

I see it become less tense, but still on alert, watching my every move. I look at it curiously, I never saw an animal like it. The head and tail has a lot of orange hair, but the body didn’t have much hair. And the tips of the leg, face, and tail were green.

“Where did you come from…,” I say softly, not expecting an answer.

It looks at me and slowly licks its leg, its eyes never straying from me.

I can see the bones of the animal, “…Skinny…”

I feel my pockets to see if I had any food on me and all I find is bread from this morning’s breakfast.

When I take out the bread in my hand, the animal sniffs the air and sees it in my hand.

“D-do you want it?” I say holding it out.

It stares at me.

I can’t go to close to it or it would attack me…

I slowly walk to it, taking one step at a time. Each step I wait 3 seconds before moving forwards. It watches me come slowly towards it. When I was 6 feet from it, I gently throw the bread as it lands 5 inches away from it. I quickly back away with my eyes on the animal.

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