Ch 25~Naruto Story: Innocence Brings Out the best

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Chapter 25



I place the book on the coffee table, closing the lights. Lying down I make sure Kagura is against the couch while there’s enough room so I won’t fall off the edge. I cover us with the blankets and move around so the two of us will be comfortable.

Thank you Kagura. I wish we can stay like this as well.

I kiss her on the forehead and go to sleep.


“Mmm” I shift under the blankets onto something warm.



Something shifts and covers the blanket on me. I feel someone stroking my hair as I open my eyes slowly. I see my hands on a black shirt.

 “Good morning”

I look up to see Kakashi smiling at me, “Ah?...Kakashi san…Good morning” I say rubbing my eyes.

We get off the couch, “What do you want for breakfast?” Kakashi asks me.

“Can we have toast?”


“I can help”

We make breakfast together, “You’re away for one day and you can make breakfast?” Kakashi says amused.

“At Sakura chan’s, Hinata san taught me how to make some food. It was fun when she was teaching me.”

“That’s great, as long as someone is supervising you, I’m ok with you cooking.”


Over breakfast, I tell Kakashi all the funny things that happened during the sleep over. Hide and seek, the cooking lessons, and the story that Naruto told.

*sweatdrop* “He sure does love ramen,” Kakashi says.

“Kakashi san, when do we meet the other today?”

“Five minutes”

“Eh?! We  should go now then, they’re going to be mad at us if we’re late” I say hurrying to get ready.

I dress myself and Hibaku wakes at all the noise I make.

“You want to come with me Hibaku?”

“Bark!” he walks out the room.

 I’m out of my room within three minutes and see Kakashi in the same spot.

“Kakashi san, you should hurry” I hold Hibaku in my arms looking at him, getting ready to run.

Kakashi looks at me amused, “I guess you’re ready” he walks to me and puts his hands together.


When the smoke clears I see that we’re outside.

“You’re late!”

I jump at the sudden noise and see Sakura and Naruto pointing at us.

“By one minute” Kakashi says.

“By three hours!” they both say.

 “O-Ohaiyo” I greet them.

My three teammates say good morning to me. We walk to the mission center so Kakashi can assign us our mission. While Kakashi goes in, Naruto pulls me aside as Sasuke is with Sakura.

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