chapter 10

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scott POV

I have been having some wierd dreams lately. about myslef, mitch, kirstie and two other people, that i dont thiink i remember seeing them in my entire life. i obviously couldnt tell mitch about them because he would think i am crazy and so would kirstie.

well i woke up this morning with a sudden urge to buy starbucks and i couldnt stop thinking about it. i got really tensed for some reason, so i decided to go out and buy some, i went and bought to specific drinks as if i have bee here before. which is kind of strange because i dont remember going there. when i came home i felt relieved in some way.

i went into the dining room to place the drinks in the table, and i found mitch sleeping there, in what looked like a really uncomfortable position, i should wake him up otherwise he would get a really bad neck, i wonder how long he has been here.

i tapped him on the shoulder and he woke up with a jolt. he did look like he was in pain, but then he saw the starbucks on the table, which got me worried. he asked me about it, and i lied...I LIED!

why did i lie for i usually dont mess up like this! its just mitch! i told him that kirstie asked for this, i dont even know if she would want any of these flavours. first of all she wasnt even coming here! why am i panicking all of a sudden, i am usually calm in front of him. i am going crazy

he looked at the cups carefully before running upstairs, then coming back down getting the espresso and running back upstairs. i flunked down in the nearby chair, and rubbed my hands on my face, groaning loudly in distress.

i have no idea what i am doing.


i went upstairs and got ready for bed, the room that i was sleeping in didnt feel like my normal bed anymore. even though i have been in this room for a long time. i ignored the feeling and shut the lights off so i could sleep.


i walked towards a door, and knocked on it, the door opened to a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes, he looked really angry and annoyed as soon as he saw me. he had a slight hint of worry in his eyes as well.

he tried to make a run for it by pushing me out of the way but i grabbed his hand and pulled him back and onto the ground, his fell grazing hiis elbow on the cncrete ground. i pin him down and start punching him in the face, multiple times. 

he was starting to bleed from the noise, and for some reason i was happy about this. a blurry image of kirstie all bruised came to mind. making me punch him even harder.

next thig i know he grabbed me hand and pushed me off of him, he punched in the stomach a twice and hit me in the face a couple of times before getting up. i laid there coughing, i slowly got up with the support of a nearby wall.

i looked around for this guy, but he was no where to be seen. i feel a tap on my shoulder, i turn arouund to see a bat swinging towards my face and before i could do anything, my head started spinning, and i fell to the ground, i was still conscious, and felt myslef being dragged through an allleyway, my head hit something along the way making me black out,


i wake up in a hospital...

mitch entered the room, he spoke to me, but i couldnt remember who he was. all i could say was

'who are you?'

end of dream*

I woke up sweating, crying and breathing relly hard.


mitch POV

i woke up to the sound of scott screaming my name, i got up without thinking and ran towards his room, he opened his door and saw me, and ran to me hugging me so hard that i nearly fell down. everything happened so quickly that i couldnt understand, but as soon as i digested what was happening, i hugged him back.

i didnt know what was happening though, why did he scream, why is he crying, what happened to him, he probably just had a really bad dream.

'err, scott, whats up.' i asked

'i-i had a dream, i am not sure if it was suppoesed to be bad or good,' he said still breathing heavily

'come lets get you some water.' i said putting my hand on his back and ushering him to go down stairs.  he sat on the table and i went into the kitchen to get the water, i brought to glasses of water and handed one to scott and sat down beside him

'so tell me then?' i asked

'i-i get these strange dreams and today i dreamed that i went t-to someones house and when i saw this person, i saw a picture of kirstie all bruised and hurt in my head, but then the guy started fighting with me and then my head hit something, and i was still kind of awake, but then i was being dragged in an alleyway, and then my head hit something and i fell unconcious. i woke up in a hospital, and i dont remember anything!' he said taking a long breath at the end

my glass dropped out of my hand when he finished, scott looked t me in a strange way, and i understand because my mouth was wide open, my eyes looked like a bushbabys eyes. i could find the words to describe what i was feeling.

'd-did this really happen! mitch?' he asked 'MITCH! ANSWER ME!'

'Y-YES!, it did.'

'so, i have forgotten alot of things! havent i?'

'yes.' i simply reply, i can t bare this, why cant he just remember.

'w-what am i forgetting,' he asked, a questioni didnt have the courage to answer, i couldnt tell him. 'mitch, what did i forge-'

and before he couldnt say anything else, he fainted.









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