chapter 22

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avi POV

i dont know what to do, kirstie is not calling me up, nor is she answering my phone calls. what do i do.  i pace about the house before bumping into kevin.

'sorry!' i said absent mindedly

'you avi, do you mind if we have a chat.' he asked

'sure no prob,' i replied not thinking much of it.

i sat down on the sofa and kevin went into the kitchen, he came back with two glasses of water and saat down beside me making himslef comfortable. i tried to think about something else oter than kirstie in the meantime.

'soo..' he began as if he didnt know how to start the conversation, and obviously i have no idea what he wants to say so i cant really help. ' im going to ask you straight forwardly and please dont get mad'

'okay... ' i rested my elbow on my knee, ready to hear what he had to say.

'so you have been acting really different lately, i talked to mitch about it and he said that tori noticed you staring at kirstie. she thinks you like her...'

'and you want to know if i do...right' i finished off for him

'well, yeah'

'yeah, i like kirstie, and yes i know she has a booyfriend. but there are things that someimes should just be left unknown to people, so no further questions please.' i get up and walk up to my room.

i sit on my bed waiting for kirstie to call me, but she doesnt call me at all. what has happened to her. soon after i recieve a phone call, it was her! i quickly answer the phone, to hear her crying.

'what happened, are you okay!' i asked panicking a bit

'i cant do this..' she said, what does she mean, she cant do what, i hope she means her relationship with jeremy.

'what cant you do?' i asked.

'this, i cant do it. we need to end this'

'b-but, why' i said almost shouting loudly in my room.

'i cant cheat on jeremy, just because we have our ups and downs. i cant ruin my relationship wit him, im sorry' she said still crying .

'so you were doing this for your own satisfaction, why are you going to play with my emotions like that! WHY! kirstie you cant do this to me. i love you for god sake!' i shout

'no, no you dont, just stop it avi. i cant do this to him. i love him avi, in fact im not even worthy of him anymore. i shouldnt have doen this, im sorry' and she hung up before i could even say anything.

i tried calling her up again but she didnt answer my phone calls. i chucked my phone at a wall, i was so pissed off. i cant believe that i actually thought she loved me.

i decided to go to have a drink.or two...maybe more. after i was done istumbled across to the door and headed into my car. i started up the engine and drove to kirstie's house.

i reached and parked the car half the wheel was on the footpath, i stumbled out of the car and walked to the door. knocking on it careless of who opened the door.

to my luck kirstie opened the door, and i swung my arms over her shoulders and fell on the floor on top of her, she struggled for me to get of her but i was fazed by her beauty and stroked her hair.

'what are you doing avi! are you drunk.' she shouted

'jus' a lil bit' i slurred

'urgh get off me avi!' she screamed. i put my finger over her lips, indicating her to be quiet.

'jus' stop moving!' i screamed.

last thing i heard was her sceaming and after that i dont remember what happened.


i woke up with a massive headache, hangover, and in my own room, but last thing i remember was at kirstie's house. oh no what did i do. i stumbled out of bed and as i passed the mirror i saw my cheeckbone was bruised. did someone punch me or something. who ever it was punched me real hard cause i could feel the throbbing in my head until now.




sorry its a shorter chapter,

i dont have much to say just, have fruity day


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