The Match to the Fire

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Leah's POV

  I was sitting on First Beach watching the waves, as the wind blew in my hair. I loved coming to First Beach because it is so peacful and quiet, it gives you time to think. I need time to think because Jacob has ran away. When he recieved Edward's and Bella's invitation to their wedding, he went ballistic.

 I am so much faster then him and I proably have the best nose to sniff down Jacob. I decided to give him about 2 days before I go and get him. So, I am sitting here trying to gather thoughts of where he might be. I sighed heavily, as I thought about all the places he could be.

 Maybe he is at the Canadian border. That's where I always go to get away from everyone. I took off my shirt and pants, tied them to my ankle, and shifted. My wolf was happy to be free. I haven't let her out in a while. I ran as fast as I could to the Canadian border.

 I was relieved that no one else shifted so, I couldn't here their thoughts. That meant the world to me because I get very irritated when they are shifted and they can here me. I ran so gracefully around the trees and through the forest. The farther I got, the more I could sense his smell.

 I knew he would be there because everyone found their way to the Canadian Border when we first shifted. I didn't tell the other members of the pack because I knew he wouldn't want everyone crowding him with questions. I wouldn't want that, so I won't do that to him. I never really thought about a person's feelings like I am now. Thats strange to me because I usually only cared about and thought about my mom's and Seth's feelings.

 I finally came upon Jacob's thoughts. He was going through all the times he shared with Bella. All the times he broke her, when they argued, and when they were having the best of fun. Even alittle sneak peek of his shared childhood with Bella. He knows I am here, but hasn't eckonowledged my presence. I ran faster until I was next to him. He was just sitting there letting the wind blow in his face.

 I sat beside him and didn't think anything or say anything.

'What do you want?' he said through the mind link.

'To see if your ok' I responded

'Since when do you care?'

'Since I felt the same thing'

'I don't need your pity party'

'I remember saying the same thing once'

He chuckled.

'Are you going to tell the guys where I am?'

'No. I wouldn't want them to come after me'


'I guess you can forget about her now'

'I guessed you forgot about, Sam now'

I growled and stood up.

'I don't care anymore!'

'Sure you don't Leah. Everyone knows'

'Thats the the exact reason why I hate being a werewolf'

'Get over it!'

'Get over Bella!

He stood up and barked.

'You should leave'

'You should'

He sat back down and looked out into the clearing.

'I'm sorry, Leah. I now know how it hurts'.

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