Chapter four

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"And that's pretty much it. Questions?" Harry pushes back his hair.

I barely payed attention to his guidence. All I could concentrate on was Harry. Damm, even his name is perfect.

"Uh, no. Thanks." I quietly answer.

He doesn't even reckonize me. Sad how I've been thinking of him for the past few days and he doesn't even remember me.

"Well, I'll be on my way. See you later." He smiles, showing off his dimples and running back to the front desk.

I just stand in the hallway, thinking of only Harry.

He sure is sweet.

"You okay, there?" A woman about the age of 20 comes up to me.

I nod, knowing I should get to work soon.

"Wait, are you Ariana? The girl from that one highschool?" She asks.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Well, since you're the only one who chose this place, we're glad to have you here." The woman smiles.

"Oh, well I'm happy to join." I stare at the ground, pushing back my hair.

I walk back to the front desk, expecting to see Harry, but he's not there.

"Ariana! I've got something you can do. Really easy job." Cyndi walks towards me.

"I'm up for it." I fake excitement, not really wanting start a task.

"Since you only know Harry, how about you take care of him for your assignment. Since he's your age, I think you guys would get along faster. Up for it?"

"Yeah! I'd love that." Suddenly, all my gloominess washed away and real excitement came over me.

"Great, his room is down the hall, to your right. Can't miss it because it says 'harry' on the door." She sits back in her seat, typing and filing papers.

I make my journey to his room.

Finally, I get to know him better.

I knock on his door, waiting for a good 2 minutes.

I knock again.

"What?!" I hear a deep voice yell out.

His door swings open, and reveals a red -eyed looking harry.

"I-I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?" I step back, knowing I probably did.

His expression softened,"No, this happens alot. Don't worry." He wipes his eyes, and looks down, smiling.

We both stand there in an awkward silence.

"Um, do you need something?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"Cyndi gave me a task to hang out with you and stuff."

"Oh." He drags the '0',"Well, then come on in." He guides me into his room.

I look around, seeing albums lining up on the walls near his bed. Dirty clothes are scattered all over the floor. A few books on his desk and a laptop on his bed. His room looks like any other teenage boy's room.

"So." He kicks the clothes under his bed, making an effort to clean up.

"So." I fiddle with my fingers, picking off my nail polish.

"Uh, you can sit down if you wanna." He goes to clean off the junk off his bed.

"Thanks." I mumble, sitting on the bed.

"Let's not make this any more awkward than it needs to be. Tell me about your life. Your interests. Talk to me like I've been a friend for years. I'm all ears." Harry shoves his hands in his jeans, taking a seat next to me.

"Well, when I was 12, both of my parents died in a car accident." I sigh, reliving the memory of that night.

"I'm so sorry. So you've been..." Harry stops talking.

"An orphan? Yep. But ever since, my brother and I took good care of eachother. His name's Luke and he's really not my brother by blood, but him and my parents were close, so we were and still are. His parents also died that night too. Anyways, I'm turning 18 this month, I have okay grades, I like to sing a little, I also write some songs, i enjoy reading, and um, yeah."

Harry nods taking in the quick information of my life.

"Do you like music?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's kinda my life."

"What kind of artists and bands do take interest in?"

"Glad you brought that up. I love All Time Low, Artic Monkeys, The 1975, Parmaore, The Neighbourhood, Nirvana, The Rolling Stones, Blink-182, Mayday Parade, Pink Floyd, AC/DC you name it." I list most of the bands I love. "Oh and, I can't ever forget my brother's band, 5 Seoconds of Summer."

"Wow, you sure like bands." Harry chuckles.

"And what's so wrong about that?" I raise an eyebrow, placing my hands on my hips.

"Nothing!" He laughs,"I love most of those bands too."

God, his laugh was even cute. Everything about his is perfect.

Now we can talk to eachother without the awkwardness coming between us.

"You know, we can listen to some of those bands. I have their albums." He gets up, walking towards his drawer.

"You do?" I follow behind him, looking over his shoulder.

He pulls out a few CDs, leaving the records inside.

"We won't be needing the records because that won't fit in my laptop." He laughs, handing me the CDs.

Here, I hold All Time Low's Don't Panic album, Artic Monkey's AM album, The 1975's the 1975 album, The neighbourhood's I love you album, and a few others.

"Which one do you wanna play first?"

"The 1975."

Maybe this foster care job won't be so bad after all.

"So how was it?" Luke steps his foot on the gas.

"It was great, actually. I made a new friend our age." I smile, thinking of Harry.

"Oh really? Is he nice?"

"He's really sweet. He takes interest in the same bands we like." I lightly slap his arm.

"Ari, you gotta stop hitting me when you're excited." Luke laughs.

"I'm sorry. But my foster friend's so cool."

"Must be." He sounds uninterested. I now felt bad. The only thing I've talked about was Harry. I never asked about Luke's day.

"So, uh, how was the orphanage? Boring? Fun?"

"It was great. The kids there are really cute. Although, one kid nearly tore out my lip ring." He licks his bottom him.

I laugh, seeing that in my mind.

I would've laughed harder if I actually saw that in person.

"It's not funny." He fails at trying to not laugh, let alone smile.

"Aw, upset?" I put on my childish voice.

"Aw kiss it better?" He copies my tone.

I quickly kiss his lips, feeling no emotions towards it.

But it's like the usual. We give eachother kisses, feeling nothing at all.

"Better." He chuckles, focusing back on the road.


Most of those bands I listed were my favorites too :) i'm a band person if you couldn't tell already aha..

Also, faaaanks for 19k reads on forget all we said! Ilysm mwahhhhh

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