Chapter five

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"Louis, stop that! We need to finish this project." I pick out the gummy bear stuck in my hair.

"You can't tell me what to do." He continues to throw the candy at me.

"Alright, Tomlinson. You wanna play? Bring it on." I grab my pillow and chase Louis around my house.

He squeals like a little girl, throwing gummy bears at me.

He turns around and runs backwards, still throwing candy at me. He suddenly fell backwards, tripping over Luke's guitar.

"Oh no! Luke's gonna kill me." Louis panics, picking up the instrument.

"Oh calm down. He was gonna buy a new one anyways. Just set it aside and he'll never know"

Louis just nods, placing the guitar back to where it was, following me back to my room.

"We gotta finish this. So put away the bears and get to it." I command.

"Fine." He rolls his blue eyes, typing away.

I pull out my phone, wanting to talk with Harry.

I was pretty happy we exchanged numbers. I went home with the biggest smile. Now we could talk outside of foster care.

Me: Hi harry

Harry: Ariana! Just the person I wanted to talk to. I must ask you a very important question.

Me: what is it?

Harry: if people can prove that heaven is real, they can't prove that hell is. That could lead to one thing, and could that possibly mean that we are in it now?

Me: i'm not sure how to respond to that, let alone answer it

Harry: Really, think about it. It's a cruel world, we're all demons inside. We've all done something bad. Don't you see? Because I can. Well, I'll let you think it through. Bye bye xx

I sit on my bed, re-reading the conversation. Harry does have a point. Life is hell.

There's a long silence, the only noise is the typing of the laptop.

"You alright?" Louis asks,"You've been quiet."

"I'm fine, but." I start.


"Have you ever thought that this world is hell?"

"Well, what do you mean by that?" Louis shuts the laptop, sitting up straight.

"I mean like, um, how do i put this?" I stare at the cieling,"Like there's proof of heaven, supposedly, but no proof of hell, therefore we are literally living in hell."

Louis stays silent for a moment, thinking of how to reply.

"Well, I have, but not that way. This world is a living nightmare and people do go through hell. But I never thought of us really living in the underworld." He plays with his shirt,"What made you think of that?"

"Um, don't know." I shrug.

I decided on not telling Louis of Harry yet. He would probably get jealous, knowing he doesn't like any of the boys I'm friends with, proving he still does like me even the slightest.

"Well, I better get going. I have to babysit my sisters tonight." Louis gets up, grabbing his belongings.

"See you." I hug him, watching as he walks towards his car, driving away.

I lean against the door frame, taking in the beauty of the sunset.

What exactly does Harry mean? It's probably just his madness talking. He probably didn't take his pills, that's it.

"What're doing?" Luke comes from behind.

"What? Nothing. Just thinking." I step back inside, shutting the door.

"You've been thinking alot lately. It's not really healthy."

"Yeah, but that's just me, I guess." I laugh.

"Okay, well try not to think so much. Enjoy life." Luke smiles, rubbing my head.

He runs up to his room, leaving me doing the exact opposite of what he just told me not to do.

But he's right. He's always right. Enjoy life.

I just gotta get my mind off the smallest things.

I walk into the kitchen, preparing for dinner.

"Now my life is sweet like cinnamon. Like a fucking dream I'm living in. Baby, love me cause' I'm playing on the radio." I quietly sing, taking out the plates and utensils.

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