First Date

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Harry's p.o.v

"Harry! Are you coming for a drink with us?" Louis popped his head round the door, Eleanor following behind him. Kissing his neck making him giggle and blush.

"Ermmm.. I have plans tonight, I told Tamara I'd go for a drink with her to celebrate her getting through to the finals." Louis furrowed his brow and shooed Eleanor away as he came in and closed the door.

"Haz, this girl, she's not like the rest. She's not been affected by the fame yet. I spoke to her earlier and she seems like a genuinely nice girl, she may be a bit sassy but I'm sure she's not as strong as she makes out." I felt my jaw clench and my hands turn into fists... the anger was hard to contain. Everyone thinks I'm a man whore or a player, my best friend seems to think I hurt girls.

"You know what Louis. You continue with your perfect relationship and leave me alone. You of all people should know that I'm not what people make me out to be"

"Harry I didn't mean it like that! I meant that you need to be careful ok?" I nodded as Louis tapped me on the shoulder and exited the room.

*2 Hours Later*

Tamara walked into the bar wearing a black net cardigan, a white blouse , blue jeans and black heels. She looked hot, beautiful and sexy all at the same time. Not many girls can do that but she was pulling it off just fine.

Her hair was up in a pony tail, not the clean and crisp ones but a messy sexy one. She smiled as she walked over to me and gave me a hug I could smell her perfume and the scent was familiar... she was wearing That Moment.

"Listen Harry, I'm sorry if I've come across as a bit of an arse but I'm really not like that. The stress from the show, people judging me in the tabloids, I felt like the last thing I needed was a global superstar around me." I reached towards her hands and cupped them in mine.

"Its fine. Let me buy you a drink."

Tamara's p.o.v

I feel so bad for the way I judged Harry, he's a really good guy. We sat in the bar for 2 hours and spoke none stop about the competition, dreams and ambitions. The cutest thing I found out about him was that he wants a daughter and he wants to name her Darcy.

"Tamara I'm gonna nip to the loo. I'll be back in 5"

"Harry..." His green eyes made me feel as if he was looking deep into me, past the walls I built up and straight into my soul. "My friends call me Tam.." He smirked and walked off to the toilet.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted my mum. I hadn't spoken to her since before the show.

To Birth Giver: Hey mum, how's everything at home? I miss you guys loads, see you next week at the finals!

Knowing that my mum wouldn't be awake at this hour I decided to text someone who I knew would reply straight away.

To Amelia(Picture on the side): Hey baeeeeeee, missing you loads, crazy thinking my dreams are coming true. You'll never guess who I met today?! Yes.. that's right I met 1D, 5SOS and Little Mix. Be jel ;) Don't worry dear I'll make sure I mention you to Liam and Michael ♡♡

I felt a gust of wind as someone came and sat next to me.

"You're back quick" I looked up and saw Luke sat in front of me. He smiled and let out a chuckle.

"So you're not alone then? That's sad I was kind of hoping to bump into you when you weren't busy." I explained to him the fiasco that happened earlier with Harry and he rolled his eyes telling me that it's typical Harry and that he isn't used to being turned down by girls. Luke told me that Harry thinks it immasculates him when he gets turned down.

"So Tam, I know I've just met you and randomly approached you in a bar but how would you feel about hanging out some time?"

I nodded and Luke and I exchanged numbers. He was by far the hottest guy I've spoken to in my life.

Luke leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek when Harry came back. This boy had impeccable timing.

"Ok Tam, you ready to go? I'll drop you off at the house, it'll be nice to see the place again..." I nodded and walked a couple steps away when I heard Harry speak to Luke.

"Luke. Back off."

"Harry I'm closer to her age and I'm not a complete dick. I think we know how this one's gonna go."

"Listen kid... I strongly suggest you back off before I tell her about your history."

History? What history?

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