Chapter Seven: Blood Sweat & Tears

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~Jimin's POV~

" you call your 'friend' just tried raping Y/N!" I exclaim then I point to Dong-Joon. "He-" I start saying then i was interrupted.

"Taehyung-oppa." Ae-Cha interrupts with tears threatening to break from her eyes. "She's not breathing." She tells him then all of our eyes widened.

"Shit!" Hae-Won exclaims then she runs to Y/N's body.

She starts shaking and smacking her on her face, trying to wake her up. She begins performing CPR and Y/N's body wasn't budging. Seok-Jung calls an ambulance then we hear the sirens outside.

Chung-Ho grabs Y/N then runs out of the room and carries her downstairs to the paramedics. They then take her and head to the hospital while each of us get in a car with a group of people and drive there.


"Now, explain to me why you two were beating the crap outta Dong-Joon." Choon-He requests.

"When Jimin, Ae-Cha, and I walked into the kitchen, we saw a bunch of beer bottles scattered across the floor and one half empty one on the counter. I ran up the stairs and Jungkook and I broke down the door and saw Dong-Joon on top of Y/N with his fingers around the hem of her jeans. He had no shirt or pants on, but still had his boxers, and we knew he was trying to fuck her." Jungkook answers then Chung-Ho grabs the back of Dong-Joon's neck and shoves him out of the hospital doors and went with him.

"Do any of you know his intentions on why he did it?" Choon-He asks while rubbing her forehead.  

All of us were silent, because no one knew why, except me. I of course knew his intentions because we have the same kind of intentions. The only difference is that I don't just want to bang and hang her, I want to stay with her, unlike Dong-Joon who's working at my fucking crazy ex.

"I know," I speak up, "but I want to explain to you in private." I add.

~Dong-Joong's POV~ 

Chung-Ho grabs the back of my neck and drags me out of the hospital with him then lets go of me. I look back at him, but only for a split second, before he punches me across the face. I take a couple steps back and he was standing there, huffing and puffing.

"WHY DID YOU TRY DOING THAT TO MY SISTER?!" He yells as I cross my arms. 

"Because I think she's pretty cute, that's why." I lie then he yells out in anger.

He turns his back to me and rubs his forehead with his thumb and index finger. He kept his left hand in his pocket while he continues to try and gain composure.

"How long have we known each other?" Chung-Ho asks me.

"Almost 15 years." I answer then he looks at me.

"And all those years I've known you, I've allowed you to get close to my sisters and even allowed you to even speak to Y/N, my favorite sister, and you decide to take advantage of her?" Chung-Ho asks me then he brings out both fists and clenches them. "You, a disgusting bastard, decided to try and take advantage of my LITTLE SISTER, YOU CRACKHEAD!!!" Chung-Ho yells and I didn't move.

He continued to take a step closer to me with each yell that came out of him. His fists were turning white with a mix of purple from all the anger coming out of him, restraining himself from knocking my ass out.

"I will be a bitch and expose your ass all around school and make you leave! You being a fuckboy, you abuse your goddamn mother, being an alcoholic, and being an actual crackhead! I can do it all in just a second without any problem!" Chung-Ho shouts and my eyes widened.

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