Chapter Fourteen: Blue Side

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We all go and sit down in the living room or find a place to sit or stand and we start to talk about who's staying in which bedroom and who's staying with who. 

"So, there's a separate apartment-like room on the way end of the house and I think Choon-He and Seok-Jung can stay there together, since you guys don't probably want to hang out with all of us." Ae-Cha suggests and Choon-He shrugs her shoulders.

"That's fine by me." She then looks at Seok-Jung. "What do you think?" She asks Seok-Jung.

"Good with me." Seok-Jung agrees then he stands up. "How 'bout we head over there now and get ourselves situated?" Seok-Jung suggests and Choon-He smirks.

"Okay." She agrees.

She then grabs their carry-on bags while Seok-Jung grabs their suitcases and start heading their way to their bedroom. Once they were far enough, we all look at each other while Eun-Kyung shakes her head.

"They're going that quick just to have sex, I'm calling it." Eun-Kyung says and we all agree.

"Okay, how about we do couples stay together in each room?" Ae-Cha suggests. "Like, Yoongi and Chin-Sun stay in bedroom one, Jungkook and Jae-Hwa stay in bedroom nine, and Namjoon and Hae-Won stay in bedroom six." She finishes.

"We're good with that." Namjoon says then Ae-Cha hums.

"Then Moon-Jae and Kwang-In will stay in bedroom four, Mi-Cha and Eun-Kyung can stay in bedroom eight, Taehyung and Eun-Ae can stay in bedroom three, Hoseok and I can stay in bedroom five, and Jimin and Y/N can stay in bedroom two." Ae-Cha says then Jungkook and Hae-Won give her a stern glare.

"No!" They both shout immediately. 

"They're not staying in the same room together." Hae-Won denies and Ae-Cha raises an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, they are. There's nothing you can say about it and I don't care what you even say about it." Ae-Cha argues then Hae-Won glares at her even harder.

"No, they're not." Hae-Won says and Ae-Cha lays back.

"Y/N and Jimin can figure out this problem on their own. They don't always need us to jump in when they are grown-up enough to figure this shit out." Ae-Cha argues.

"If they're staying in a room together, put me and Jae-Hwa in the closest bedroom to their's." Jungkook requests and Ae-Cha nods.

"Sure, you and Jae-Hwa can switch with Taehyung and Eun-Ae. So, they'll go to bedroom nine and you and Jae-Hwa go to bedroom three." Ae-Cha fixes then Chung-Ho clears his throat.

"What about me?" Chung-Ho asks then Ae-Cha's eyes widened.

"Oh, yeah, you and Soo-Hee can share a bedroom with Eun-Ae and Taehyung." Ae-Cha says then Chung-Ho raises an eyebrow at her.

"But, Soo-Hee's enlisted currently." Chung-Ho comments and Ae-Cha points to the door.

"Not anymore." Ae-Cha says then Chung-Ho's jaw drops.

"Oppa~!" We hear a girl call out and Chung-Ho's eyes fill up with tears.

We see a girl with brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a peach tank top, light denim shorts, white flip-flops, a white jacket over her tank top, her hair in pigtails, and a big smile on her face.

Chung-Ho then sprints to the door and embraces Soo-Hee tightly in his arms. He begins to cry onto her shoulder and she kisses his cheek and hugs him back tightly. He then kisses her passionately and she smiles during the kiss.

Soo-Hee is three years older than Chung-Ho and they started dating when Chung-Ho was sixteen and she was nineteen. Their relationship was difficult at first because he was younger than her and our parents didn't approve of it first, but she then warmed up to Mom very quickly with her interest in the military. 

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