Who is in control........ Really?

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Vincent's p.o.v

Vincent: Coco when should i try to talk to you know...... SpringTrap?
Coco: Well concidering he put General Ironwood in the hospital...... wait untill SpringTrap is ready.
Vincent: Ok... Hey Ruby, (Y/N).
Ruby/(Y/n): hey.
Vincent: Huh.... thats weird i haven't seen this number before.
Coco: What number?
Vincent: 111-284-5540
*Don't try*
Vincent: I'll see you later then... bye.
Coco/Ruby/(Y/N): Bye.
At the doorm*
Vincent: Hello... hello, hello any animatronics here?
SpringTrap: Huh... you got the call.... increasingly you actually wanted to talk with me.
Vincent: What is this talk about?
SpringTrap: I don't want to be the bad guy anymore I've done that for 30 years and i feel terrible about it.
Vincent: So your going to help me and i help you?
SpringTrap: Yes.
Vincent: Okay I'll Let the teams CFVY, JPNR and RWBY know.
SpringTrap: Thank you Vincent.
Vincent: It's the least I can do for you.

Rwby Charcter X male reader Side Story Is Coco X VincentWhere stories live. Discover now