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F L A S H B A C K:


My foot unconsciously kicked the door behind me before I twirl around and lock the door with my lazy hands. I suppress a groan behind that readying to escape before I toss my bag aside to the other side of the room. My eyes wander into the pale and boring room before deciding to hop into the creaky bed.

As my head was now buried into my pillow, I took a long sigh before closing my eyes. I ignore the pain that surging on my left abdomen where Henry punch me and the slight bruise that he me to my face.

The day was exhausting and my assignment for tonight neither helping me to relax my head. I didn’t move an inch to my uncomfortable position as my arms began to numb feeling nothing but only the prickling sensation that began to cover on my whole arms.

As my thoughts started to loosen up and my head began to light, a voice quickly interrupted my attempt on taking a long nap.

“Stan! Dinner is ready!” I heard my mother yelled downstairs before I finally groan.

“Coming!” my voice muffled as I yelled into the pillow. I began to gather my thoughts before getting out of my only comfort zone; aka bed.

Lazily, I made my way towards the stairs, trying not to scurry as I took a step.

Yawning, I made my way towards the dining room hearing clanking of plates and glasses. My mom quickly know my presence as her head turn towards me before she smile and wave at me to sit down.

“Hi dear, I will just gonna grab the water,” I smile before shaking my head.

“No, I will get it.” I offered before making my way to the fridge to the other side of the room and grab the water.

My father quickly come into view as he made his way to the room—still wearing the apron while carrying his cooking which was intoxicating—before bore his eyes at me and giving me a slight nod.

Dad didn’t really like me much, me neither; I didn’t like myself either. When I was born, he dreamt about having a perfect son but as I grew up, I only give him nuisance and trouble, plus when I join the losers. Dad didn’t like them, but I like hanging out with them so he doesn’t have a choice but to accept my friends.

He ignores my stare—like always—before he took a sit at the end of the table. Mom waves her hand at me before I place the water in the middle of the table before I took a sit. Mom broke the awkward silence before smiling to the both of us.

“Now, shall we dig in?” she asks her husband before he gave her a faint smile.

As they ate their food, I played mine, not caring what my dad is saying to my mom. I tried to ignore their conversation but I can’t help but to hear.

As always, the talk about me; dad disgracing me like I’m not his flesh and blood and mom who always there to defend me even though I can’t do anything right. A sigh escape my lips.

“He should just have home schooled. He’s bringing shame on our name, Sally.”

“George, you know he’s not. His grades are average is there something to be ashamed of that? He’s doing his best George.” I heard my mom sighed.

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