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The anonymous voice cleared his throat before continuing, “Hello Bill… Are you listening to this?” the voice chuckles, “if you don’t know who this is, this is Stanley Uris speaking to you—well from the past—and this will be my first entry.” the voice took a long sigh.

“This tape will going to be my journal and I dedicate this for you, Bill. Originally, I first thought to write this on some paper but you know that I’m too lazy writing hundreds of paragraphs.” The voice silently laughs.

“Well, Bill, I have something to tell you, and I don’t know if you will hate me for this or you will just shrug your shoulder like always… I-I really, really like you, not the best friend kind of like but I like you more than that.”

“This is really awkward,” the voice whispered before laughing at himself.

“Right now, I’m in my bedroom—on my bed exactly—and just staring at the ceiling like we use to do when you sleepover in here with the rest of the losers. And before I forgot, this is not a joke nor a prank. I like you—hell I love you man and I just really don’t know how to say it on person.”

I’m too coward to tell you the truth, I still remember you saying that I’ve become strong and courageous but I’m still the same sissy on the group. You must be thinking how or when did I start liking you but I really don’t know.”

The voice paused.

“But, maybe it started when I step foot on high school. I started to get attracted to the boys around me and I—for once I don’t know what to do… I still remember on 8th grade when I shut people out, you, the losers, and even my parents. I worried you guys and but there I was worrying that you guys wouldn’t accept me.”

“Then, things started to get shitty when you entered my room by the window. Bill, did you know that it’s illegal to enter someone’s house without their consent? But you didn’t care coz’ you’re worried; you’re always worried.”

“When you asked me if I’m okay, of course I lied and you know it. After that, you didn’t even said a word  before you hugged me. I know this is too cliché to say but I literally heard my heart beat like it was so near to my ears. I just stood there as you kept on muttering that it will get better.”

“I hate you Bill when you do things like that.” The voice sighed.

“Bill, I’m gay and I’m not proud of it. I’m in love with you and I don’t know how to deal with it.” The voice sighed before continuing, “Long story short, I fell really hard for you and you didn’t even notice.”

“Maybe I will just cut it in here. See you in school.”

Author’s Note:

I promise it will get better, just please hold on XD

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