The Start of it All

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You were known in Derry along with your brother, Ben who was in the 8th grade as one of the new kids. You were a Freshman in high school, which was in the same building as the middle schoolers because I guess they couldn't find any more room. However, when you had to introduce yourself to every class it basically became just an annoying story you had to tell.

"I moved from Houston Texas along with my brother Ben, and my mom. She has a sister here so we just moved right in with them, let's just say it's another new start" that was what you said in every class, one after the other but what made it even more strange was that every teacher asked nearly the same questions, always about extracurricular activities.

"I'm going to be in cross country this fall and track in the spring" you'd say and then they would ask what sport in track and by that point, you just wanted to sit down,

"Hurdles, I think" you'd say and then finally the teachers would gesture you to take your seat once more. Your homeroom was placed right across the hall from Ben's homeroom, to be honest, you couldn't complain about it because you would always hear older kids coming out of his class sounding pretty pissed off. To be honest his teacher was so annoyed with three main students which names were what you think where Victor, Reginald and the one she hated the most, Henry Bowers. Henry was a familiar name because Ben complained that he nearly got him an F on his math test because he kept asking to cheat off of him. Of course, Ben didn't because Ben rather keep his grades the same then have them be ruined with the help of some bully of his. About a month later it was a day in June where you lied to your teacher and asked to go to the bathroom but instead, you were going to go over and see what Ben's class was doing because all year you could hear them from across the hall and it always sounded like they were having a lot more fun than your class. When you just made it across the hall you heard Ben's teacher say "Henry Bowers you will stay one hour after school this week".

"My father will have my hide," said what you could only believe was this Henry in a slightly raspy voice.

"Well you should have thought about that before you picked on Ben, now go to the principal office," the teacher said as you heard Henry say in a pretty normal daring voice "Your dead fat boy". It was about 5 minutes of you eavesdropping mission so you decided to go straight back to your class, you really didn't think you were fast enough so Henry probably saw you made it to your class on time because you could feel the presence of Henry bowers behind you. After school Ben decided he was going to probably check out a book by the look of it going down the hill towards the library and you went down the same way just a bit later to notice that Henry and his buddies were watching Ben from a distance. You walked quickly passing them towards your house but you couldn't believe you just left Ben there all alone to fend against the bullies himself. Once you got home Ben still wasn't there so when your mother asked where he was, you lied and told her that Ben was at the library so she wouldn't worry about him, but even you knew it didn't take him that long to check out a book.

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