I'm Sorry.

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Your mom ended up being on a late food run, and when you got home she ground you because she was terrified that you had been killed. The next day at around noon you decided to leave your house when your mother was gone because you didn't want her to get worried again. You were just roaming around school when you noticed Victor, you walked up to him and asked

"What are you doing around here on summer vacation"?

"Please do not tell me that Henry got that bruise on his face from you," he asked?

"Yeah, I did... why" you asked?

"Because his father beat him up pretty badly because he couldn't fight back, I mean you know how he is," Victor said looking at you concerned.

"Does that mean he hates me now or something?" you asked.

"Actually no, most people that have made fun of him or have ever even got him in trouble has been hurt pretty bad after he got to them. But for some reason he didn't want to come after you which is really weird" he said staring at the ground.

"Then if you're brave enough call him and tell him to meet me by the Aladin," you said as you started to walk away. Later in the day, you got a call from victor saying the Henry agreed to meet you there at 5. It was around 4:30 when you decided to leave your house and leave to go meet Henry at the Aladdin. You got their and sat on a park bench that was located right outside. You got a few stares because you were sitting by yourself lonely and waiting. By the time Henry got there, the Aladdin was closed.

"Honestly I thought you would show," you said with your head facing your feet.

"Why would you think that" he answered sitting on the park next to you.

"Well it because of the whole, well you know punching you in the face thing," you said looking up and away from your feet.

"I mean your brother has done worse to me, if you can believe that," he said as your eyes meet his, before looking away.

"So why did you want to meet," he asked?

"I wanted to say I'm sorry" you tried to say before being cut off.

"No okay there is no need to be sorry, you kicked my a** and I deserved it that time," he said as he stared out into the dark streets of Derry.

"Well then that's really all I wanted to say" now looking towards him you finished "So maybe in a few years if we're all still in this town you can remind me of this," you said.

"Remind you of what," he asked before you turned towards him and pressed your lips to his. When you pulled away he seemed surprised but didn't mind. You got up and started walking away until he stopped you.

"That was really what you wanted to do," he asked.

"Just so you know Henry this was all real," you said not even turning around, then you disintegrated to sewer water that soaked into his shoes.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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