Hidden Secret

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You walked out of the theater and by the time you got home Ben was there with 5 of his friends,

"Hey what's up Ben," you said as walked up to the porch.

"Just hanging out I guess," Ben said a bit out of breath. After you went inside Ben's friends had left and he followed in right behind you. When we both got inside dinner was already on the table, you and Ben were so close in age you both always had the weirdest conversations over dinner. After dinner you went straight to your room, you grabbed the mint blue colored phone that was located on your bedside table and called Victor for no logical reason.

"Hey it's a good thing you called, Henry, Belch and I are going out past curfew if you want to come," Victor said thinking I would just go against my mother's wishes

"Why would you think I'd come to that, first it's past curfew which was put in play for a reason. Second I think I have someone to see tonight" you said as you could tell that Victor was getting annoyed.

"Wow you got a date tonight or something, are you willing to skip the curfew for them but not us?" Victor said.

"No Victor you know I can't get a date with anybody, and if it makes you happy I'll go with you guys," you said sounding very annoyed.

"You know maybe there's a reason no one will date you. I mean it doesn't matter if we smoke right"

"Actually it does because if you know Eddie Kaspbrak, Henry broke his arm if you can't remember who he is, I basically have exactly what he does. I'm saying I'm allergic to cigarette smoke," you said as you hung up the phone and opened the window letting the cool crisp air of autumn into your room.

"Aren't you forgetting something, we still need to talk?" a muddy voice said that you hadn't heard in months. You turned around to see a figure standing there in a white almost skin-tight suit, and blood orange pom-poms down the front.

"Bob right now this is more important to me than you are," you said as you put one of your legs out the window, he grabbed your arm and said, "Remember the only reason you can still walk around on those two feet is because of me".

"Just because you claim to love me, doesn't mean you can control my life anymore I'm not your puppet," you said as you landed swung your leg out the window and landed on the ground. By the time you got to the place where the Bowers gang were hanging out,  you didn't know if you could do it. All you could think of was what pennywise said and he was right, he may have killed you back in 1828. Even though he feeds off your fear, he still really cared about you. It's still here about 162 years later with about the best family that you have ever been placed with. You headed into the bathroom and punched a hole straight through the pink stall causing light to shine out of your hand healing all the bones and the cuts.

"Face it..." sigh "I'm dead," you said as you walked outside with about 10 times more confident because of face it since you were dead nothing could touch you. You ended up putting your arm around Victor and said: "I'm here now aren't I".

"Well Y/N I really didn't think you'd show," Victor said looking at you and then Belch said "Hey y/n" and you fist-bumped each other.

"Who is this" Henry asked trying to sound confused but you could tell that he already knew who you were.

"Henry... I'm pretty sure you know me, but in case you don't I'm y/n" you said looking at him in disbelief.

"Okay now that you say it, Belch and Victor talk about you a lot" He ended up saying after a brief moment of pausing. They ended up talking about Ben and how Henry really wanted to get him back for kicking him in the balls and you just let out a quick laugh. Henry looked at you is a shocked but unexpected look that didn't really make him look that threatening.

"Yeah you just kept yelling that he broke my balls," Victor said laughing

"From your point of view Henry, this sounds a lot funnier than when Victor told me," you said laughing a bit as well.

"Vic's a really bad storyteller. Everyone knows that" Belch said chiming in again, causing all of you to laugh besides Henry. Henry looked pretty disappointed that you were taking their side but it wasn't hard to catch on to that.

"Do you want me to take your side on this whole argument?" you said sounding cockier than you wanted to. You looked down at your watch and realized it was almost 10 and you knew your mom came in and checked on you at around 11 so you had to book it home

"I have to go, sorry my mom will be quite nervous if I'm not in my room. But I guess this has been better than I expected it would be," you said sounding happy but secretly hiding the fact that Pennywise's word came flooding back to you.

"Hey y/n is something wrong" Belch tried to say after he followed you a bit and grabbed your shirt sleeve.

"Nothing," you said as you were pretty sure he could see underneath all that pretending to be a human act. You made it back home by 10:32 and climbed back through your bedroom window but instead of landing on your floor you landed on a damp concrete floor that smelled of rats.

"Do you really think it's worth it, falling for someone again?" Pennywise asked as he towered over you as tears sat still in your eyes and your cheeks now burned red with heat.

"You still are my favorite victim, that's why I've kept around mostly because you were willing to stay," he said as he put his hand down towards you as a gesture to help you up.

"But what if I'm done doing this, maybe I actually have a reason to live again," you said wiping the tears from your eyes as you pushed his hand away, standing up by yourself.

"What Henry Bowers, Victor Criss, and Belch Huggins have given you meaning to want to Live again," Pennywise said with a sharp smirk forming on his face.

"I'm sorry but maybe the reasons I want to live again is because I finally have the right family and the best friends I could ask for," you said as your eyes slowly turned. He was furious, you could see that but before his raised hand came into contact with your cheek you ended Back in your bed, with black oily tears down your face.

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