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Howdy folks. Sorry for the super late update, but life showed up and kicked my ass. We went on spring break to Boston and New York and I got a sinus infection, a fever and severe allergies while I was up there and I was in bed for like a week and a half. Dead ass never going back, I'm staying in the south 😂. So to make up for it, I'm throwing three chapters out there. Enjoy! ~LPS~

Tioné got a call at 4 am, and it was her mom. Chadwick answered.

"Hello?" He asked groggily. He didn't realize it was Tioné's phone and not his. "Hello? Who is this?" Monique asked, "Where is Tioné?" "This is Chad, and she's still asleep. May I ask who's calling?" He was still lost. "This is her mother, wake her up." Monique was hot. She didn't know of any one that Tioné was dating and they were already sleeping together? She felt in her gut something was up, which is why she called. Tioné finally answered, "Hello?" "Who answered the phone? I knew you were up to something because you haven't called. Now who was it?" Oh she was good and woke now. She went to the balcony so she wouldn't wake him back up. "Hey Mommy, you sound lovely this morning. Did you get a good night's sleep?" Tioné was trying to stall, but Monique was not having it. "Girl you better answer my questions before I pull you through this phone and choke you!" Tioné immediately quit playing. "I'm sorry Ma. That was Chadwick Boseman." "So you didn't think to call me when you decided to hop in his bed? Where are you anyway? And don't tell me you forgot either, you always 'forget'," Monique said. "We're in Italy right now. And we didn't just hop into bed together Ma, there was some courting. He pursued me until he finally got me to go with him and he keeps surprising me. We're not having sex, we're just sleeping together. I already told him what it is and what it's going to be and he respects that. I don't know why I didn't tell you who I ended up with, and I am sorry for leaving you without knowing. I'll be home soon though. I'll come straight to y'all," she promised. "Now let's backtrack. You're currently with that boy. In the same room. In the same bed?" Tioné hesitated, "Yes ma'am." "Okay, do you all have on clothes?" "He doesn't have on a shirt and I have on my basketball shorts and Iron Man t-shirt. I don't have on a bra though." "Lord have mercy. You know how old he is don't you? Of course you do. Don't let that grown ass man use you and get rid of you when he's done. If you're questioning something, you better call me or your sisters. Just wait until Wayne finds out," Monique said. "Ma really?? Don't you think I'm too old for him to be vetted? I am 22 years old, I think I'm good. And he's-" "Hush girl!" She shut up quick too. "I know how old you are and I don't care who he is. I'm the mama! Your father and I are meeting with him and that's the end of it! I know that you're very mature for your age, but you don't have much experience with guys and I'll be damned if I let his ass mess over you. And you know how your daddy is, so don't even try it! Have you talked to Brionne?" "No ma'am, not since she left for New York. I've only talked to Anaiah and Jay. Well I haven't heard from him in a while, I talked to Ni a few days ago though. How's she doing?" Tioné responded. "Call her and see. She's going to be mad when you tell her what has gone down, but I'll see you when you get here. And stop sleeping so late!" "Ma it's like 4 am here," she laughed. "Oh. Well whatever, I love you. Be safe and be smart!" "Yes ma'am, I love you and I will."

They ended the conversation and she headed back to bed. Chadwick was walking out of the bathroom as she was getting back in bed.

"I didn't get you in too much trouble did I?" he asked. "Yes actually. I got an earful, and I'm due for more when I get home. She's probably going to tell daddy as soon as she sees him, or she's gonna set me up to do it. And my sisters are going to kick my ass too, but I brought that one on myself because I don't ever call like I should," she sighed, "When do we leave?" "Tomorrow morning," he began. He looked like he wanted to say something more. "Bruh just say what you got to say," she said with a laugh. "I'm going back to South Carolina to see my family and I'm not sure how long it'll be before I need you again. My off schedule is really up in the air most times and I just want to make sure you're available because I don't want anyone else," he said sheepishly. "Awww, well I was planning on going back to my shop, but I don't know if I'll have any other clients to travel with. If I do though, that's out of my hands. I'm in a contract and I have to go where they send me. I'm sure we'll see each other again at some point, so don't even sweat it," she said. 'Hmm. I'll just have to see about buying out her contract then. I wonder if I can do that?' he thought to himself. 'I hope I see him again... With my luck, they'll pair me with someone that travels year round and I won't see anyone! Oh well, we'll hope for the best,' she thought. With that, they drifted off.

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