The Slammer

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Skip if you want.. We all know the last chapter sucked, big time. Gally will be somewhat introduced in this chapter. But, trust me, the hate will be known. TRIGGER WARNING: If you read the description for the story, you know that your character is mentally ill. In this, she has claustrophobia (She is scared of tight spaces), social anxiety (She does HORRIBLE in social situations), and bipolar depression (hard to sum up). I am going to admit, I am basing this character sort of off of my personality. I have each of what is mentioned above. I am working through it. In this chapter, your character will be having what I describe as a claustrophobic attack. The title should give you a clue.. Okay, I'm done blabbering.

  It was probably around two in the afternoon when you awoke, sore necked and stiff. You sat up, rubbing your head where you had been hit. You took a moment to take in your surroundings. You were stuffed in a small cell, barely big enough for your long legs and the chair randomly placed inside. If there was one thing you could remember about your previous life, it was claustrophobia and what it did to you. The cold stone walls began to close in on you, squishing you and making it hard to breathe. You started to shake, gasping and choking for air, what was left of it.

  You stood up, hitting your head on the ceiling making things worse, so you sat back down. Rocking back and forth, you tried to gather yourself, but you couldn't, the walls were closing in too tight. You screamed at the top of your lungs and gasped for air again, choking as you took deep breaths. Much to your pain, no one came for you. Your vision clouded over. You couldn't see a thing.

  "Help!" you screamed, trying to get out of the ever closing walls. "Help, somebody! I'm going to die! Help! Please!" Something pushed you down, a stick of some sort, but a moment later, you were yanked from the evil walls and thrown to the soft grass outside.

  Still shaking, you sobbed for several minutes, breathing in and out deeply. You heard soft voices around you, and you hoped they didn't think you were crazy.

  Oh, great going. You thought to yourself. Everyone's going to think you're a nut job.

  After a bit, you ceased shaking. You sat up, trying to wipe away your tears, but they kept coming. The voices spoke again, but you couldn't see them through your blurred vision.

  "Should I help her?" one of the voices asked.

  "No. " another voice chimed. This one was British. "You know what Alby said. She is dangerous until she proves she's not. We do nothing with her until she settles. Then, we ask her what's wrong. Depending on her answer, she goes back in the Slammer, or taken to Alby. If she gets put back, Alby has to know we took her out. It's alright, Jackson. Let's just get her to stop crying."

  You looked up and sniffled, wiping away the last of the tears from your eyes. A young blonde boy was standing in front of you, along with a tall kid, also male. The tall one looked concerned for you, while the blonde had his face set in a hard scowl. You smiled at both of them.

  "Thanks for saving me. I was about to die." you said softly. They looked at you, the blonde had his eyebrows raised. The tall one nodded and stepped forward to help you up. But, sadly, the blonde grabbed his shirt and pulled him back, giving him a look of warning.

  "It wasn't a problem." the tall one said as you stood. "To be honest, I pushed you down with the flat end of my spear, but Newt couldn't stand your screaming, so he had me take you out. I'm Jackson." You smiled at him and nodded. You also smiled at Newt, but he just scowled at you again. You looked down at the ground, ashamed.

  "You want to tell me why the klunk you were screamin' bloody murder in there?" asked Newt, and you looked up.

  "Um, well, I have this thing called claustrophobia. I'm really scared of tight spaces and well," you trailed off and just gestured at the tiny cell. Newt nodded, understanding. Jackson looked a bit confused, but said nothing more.

  "Well, then, shuck it. I have to take you to Alby." Newt rolled his eyes, stepping forward.  "Jackson, can you tie the Greenie's arms together so she can't do anything?" you felt your hands being yanked behind your back and cried out in fright as they were tied with a sturdy rope. You were then escorted by Newt across what seemed to be a sea of grass. It was very pretty, but you didn't take time to admire it. Newt was keeping stride with you and you noticed he had a slight limp.

  You pointed it out, and he shrugged. Guessing he didn't want to talk about it, you introduced yourself as Y/N, then asked him about why you were being tied up.

  "You're the only girl here, believe it or not. Alby has his protocols for girl Greenie's. We never needed it until now. So, don't expect star treatment." he answered. You nodded, and silenced yourself again.

  He stopped in front of a large building he called the Homestead, and opened the door for you. You smiled at him and stepped inside, keeping eye contact the whole time, not noticing the wall in front of you until you hit it. You fell flat on your face, twisting your ankle. Before you could react, two hands gripped your arms and lifted you off the ground. You twisted to see who it was, but couldn't do so. Newt stepped inside.

  "Gally, put the Greenbean down." he warned. The hands gripped you tighter as you writhed in them.

  "No. She's supposed to be in the Slammer. I'm holding on until Alby says I can put her down. This shank goes nowhere. Not unless she can manage to kill me with her beady little eyes." a scratchy voice came from behind. This voice was filled with hatred, so you just quit trying to get out. You looked to Newt for help, but he merely shrugged and nodded. The two of them walked, you dangling midair, into another room to face the infamous Alby. To admit, you were terrified.  

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