Clothing Caper

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  Hey you shanks. I'm so so sorry it has been so long since I updated. I've had no inspiration whatsoever and haven't had much time to sit down and think. Soo, here goes some kind of sucky klunk to fill in for today. There is some nudity in this chapter, but don't worry. I wont go fully into detail.

  It had been a week since Gally professed his feelings for you, and still hadn't taken you on a date. You woke up and stretched, naked in your room, trying to enjoy the warmth streaming through the window. After your eyes struggled open, you stood up and walked around to find your clothes. But, they were gone. You checked the drawers of your dresser, under the bed and in the bathroom, but nothing turned up. Frantic, you searched everywhere again and again before racing out the door, your tiny chest jiggling slightly. You peeked around every corner to make sure no one was there and rushed to Alby's room. Most of  the Keeper's slept in the Homestead, so you knew where to find him. You knocked on the door franticly. But, to your dismay, there was no answer. You rushed to every other room, but still no answer. Your mind spun and you burst out the door, causing every bugging guy in the Glade to turn and look at you.

  As you stood stock still in shock, a crowd formed around you, every boy straining to look at your curvy body. Tears formed at your eyes as they whistled and cat-called. You felt smashed in even with the room they were giving you and you called out a name, not even hearing yourself. Suddenly, Gally's arms were around your shoulder's, pushing you into the Homestead. He slammed the door and turned, angry.

  "Y/N, what the shuck are you doing naked? Get dressed!" He screamed. The tears slipped out and fell to the ground.

  "I can't." You whispered. He asked why not. "I can't find my clothes. They're gone, and I don't know where they are." He let out a frustrated yell and stormed into your room. He threw everything open and searched everything again. When he couldn't find anything, he turned back around and stormed from the Homestead. You could hear him from outside.

  "Who has Y/N's clothes? I assure you, it isn't funny what you did. She got frantic and scared. You've done something very wrong. I'll kill you with my bare hands when I find the clothes." He screamed. You heard boys shouting for him to slim it nice and calm, but he just kept yelling.

  You finally heard the yells you needed to hear, someone had found your clothes, and Gally stormed back in. He threw the at you and commanded you to dress. You turned around and pulled on your underwear and bra, then slipped into your black jean shorts and black tee before turning back around. He smiled finally and brought you into a hug.

  "Y/N. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at whoever the shank is that took your clothes. I just thought you should know that." He whispered into your hair. You smiled against his chest and sniffed. The door banged open, and Alby stepped in, dragging Chuck by the ear. You and Gally pulled apart, confused.

  "Chuck has something he wants to say." Alby explained and the boy burst into tears, falling on the floor. You rushed to him and hugged him tight, shushing him, comforting him. Alby stood there, seemingly waiting for Chuck to say what he supposedly had to say.

  "I-I did, I d-did it." Chuck choked out through his sobs. You were confused, as well as Gally and so you just held him, telling him to stop crying before he tried again. You waited until the last of the tears fell from the kid's eyes and he finished sniffling. He stood up ad you stood with him.

  "I did it. I took Y/N's clothes." He admitted, head low. Gally's face was stormy and he stepped toward the boy, but you held him back, shaking your head.

  "Elaborate." You ordered and he said it again.

  "I took Y/N's clothes. But, I did it because of Gally. That shank won't stop complaining at night about wanting to see Y/N naked. It's really annoying. I thought she would be up earlier, so I took her clothes in the middle of the night. She just chose today to get up late. I knew she would probably go to Gally first and he would go find the clothes, but that didn't work out. So, I didn't do it to play a dumb joke. I did it cause I wanted to sleep at night instead of listening to him complain." He explained. Your jaw dropped. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am." You nodded, still shocked at looked at Gally.

  "What the shuck?" You asked and he turned even redder than he been. He bit his lip franticly, then ran. You burst after him and tried to catch him, just barely grazing his back with your fingers before he shot into the woods. "Shuck it." And you turned back to do your job.

  Ignoring the cat calls and the snide remarks from the idiot Glader's was proving to be hard after the third hour, but you managed and kept your cool. Gally still hadn't returned, leaving you to do random job's around the Glade. You mostly worked with Newt in the garden because he protected you from the comments, yelling at people to shuck off.

  "I'm really sorry, Y/N." Chuck insisted for the thousandth time and you turned around, glaring at him.

  "Chuck. I forgive you, alright? I've already forgiven you. It was really sweet of you to do that, but you should have asked Gally first. You need to be apologizing to him, not me. You really embarrassed him, Chuck. Now go." You yelled, pointing at the woods. He finally ran off, giving you one last teary-eyed look.

  "The kid's a wee little fat shank, but he's nice when all's said and done." You heard Newt say behind you. You turned to him.

  "I know. He's really nice, but he needs to learn. I love him and forgave him. Everyone will forget in a day or two." You replied, shrugging. He smiled and nodded, then two of you went back to work. After a minute, you laughed, and he looked up at you. "It's just my luck that the Runner's were off today."

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