Date Numbero Uno

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  "Yo, Captain!" You screamed across the Glade, a day after the clothing caper. Gally stood straight up and whirled to look at you. Smirking, you marched over to him and embraced him tightly.

  "We going on a date or what?" You mumbled into his chest as he curled his arms around your waist. You felt him shift to look at you.

  "Yep. You ready?" He asked and you nodded, but made no move to break away from the hug. He chuckled and pulled himself away, then picked you up. "Then let's go. I have something very special planned."

  He walked away, calling over his shoulder to the other Builder's that you would be back soon, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself close. All of a sudden, you were in the woods. You gasped.

  "Gally, put me down." He did and you rushed out, him hot on your heels, confused. "I can't go in there. It's the rules." He laughed.

  "You're breaking multiple rules by being with me. So, I really don't think one more is going to get you killed. I'll kill Alby if he lays on shucking finger on you." He said, and you grinned. "You ready?"

  You nodded and he picked you up again, pulling you back into the woods. The two of you smiled widely as he set you down, just outside out a clearing. You can't see past the thick trees, and step to go into the clearing, but Gally stopped you before putting a soft cloth around your eyes. A small, shuddering gasp escaped your lips before you could stop it. Fear welled in your chest, but Gally shriveled it by kissing the top of your head.

  "Do you trust me?" He asked and you hesitated before nodding slightly. He picked you up once again and you squealed when he pretended to drop you. A few minutes passed and you were gently set down, sprawled on the ground. You sat up, and Gally dropped the blindfold, making you gasp again. The sight was beautiful. He had taken several sandwiches from the kitchen, definitely without Frypan's knowledge, and set them out in a heart shape on a checkered blanket. He had lit candles and placed them  on dry spots, giving the illusion of fireflies ancing around. The two of you sat and enjoyed the picnic for quite a long time before you heard the snap of a twig in the woods.

  Despite the achy feeling in your chest, Gally waved it off, unfazed. It was probably a beetle blade, he said, and you relaxed. He was probably right. After a few more minutes, he stood, pulling you with him and pulled you into his arms.

  "Do you know how to dance?" He asked, and you nodded. He started to hum a tune that seemed familiar, but you didn't totally recognize. You hummed along with him and the two of you whirled slowly around the candles and the clearing. The two of you danced to your heart's content, humming. When the song was over, you switched to a new tune quickly and he joined you. You closed your eyes, leaning against his chest for support. He spun you and waltzed with you. It was pure bliss, dancing with him. You wanted it to never end. You felt safe and strong in his arms.

  It took three more songs until he stopped, pulling away. He looked into your eyes, breathing heavily, and smiled sweetly. Your stomach filled with butterflies and you smiled back. Then, Galy did the unimaginable. He leaned closer to you, biting his bottom lip lightly. Before you could think, he pulled you into a kiss, cutting off the space between the two of you. Fireworks exploded in your body as the shock wore off and you stood on your tiptoes to kiss him back, passion filled. A small force pushed against you and suddenly you were backed against a tree. It supported you as you deepened the kiss, a moan escaping from Gally's throat.

  Gally's tongue swiped across your lips and you teasingly denied him access. His hands traveled down your back and to your butt, and he squeezed it hard. You gasped and he forced his tongue inside. The two tongues rolled together, fighting for dominance, and in the end, he won. He explored your mouth, tasting. You wilted as a small moan rose inside of you. He supported you with his hands, pushing you higher until you were just barely hanging in the air. It felt so good and you slid your hands from his neck until the traveling up and down his back. He moaned again and you smirked against his lips.

  It seemed too short a time until the moment was over. He pulled away from you, breaking the kiss and you sighed. He looked at you and the two of you sat against the tree, him holding you in his arms. It was perfect until you heard something very weird. Were they... hoots and hollers? You shot up, looking around.

  "Great job, Gally! Never thought a girl could make  you do that!" yelled a voice. You whirled in a circle until you smacked straight into Minho. He was doubled over laughing. It was then that Newt, Alby and, Chuck, of all people stepped from behind other trees. You sank back against Gally as he stood behind you, and his arms wrapped around your waist.

  "Show's over, boys. Get out." He growled. No one paid attention, those shank monkeys were still laughing. You looked into your boyfriend's face and he rolled his eyes. He pulled you away, mumbling the whole time about shanks, shuck-faced dorks, senseless jerks and klunk-holes. You stopped, and pulled him to face you.

  "Those shanks mean nothing. I love you, Gally." You said, and he smiled, before you pulling you in for a quick kiss, just as sweet as the make-out session.

  "I love you, too, Y/N." He said, and walked away.

My Little Captain (Gally Imagine) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now