The holy chapel

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Dices p.o.v
My head swooned with the thoughts of god. " Every word of the Bible that I read was like a choir of angels~ how wonderful! God has presented himself to me and I will be his loyal servant!" My voice ran threw-out the chapel as I was preaching , I was forced into becoming a priest but it's not so bad "As his servant I will do even thing he ask of me and I will stay away from the tellers of Lucifer!" I heard yelling the word "yes" and whatnot...why do people get such a kick out of me lyin- preaching. Ugh. I used to be able to wear dark clothes without having them to know...part of a ceremony. I'm always told that priest are suppose to be holy and what not but I can't help it! We're not even allowed to touch are selves...I've been in heat 3 times and have to suffer 1 month of constant nagging from my body. Just because I'm not allowed. I wanna leave! But I made a pledge to god and I can't just leave him hanging..I must be there and show that I am holy enough to become a pope one's like..I'm having second thoughts about it but,.i just have to try! I can do this and I can get it done! I-i...I just have  to be good! "God let's us know who we are and shows us-" I heard a loud boom "PRIEST DICE!" I was grabbed and pulled out of my room "wha-" "we were doing an exorcism on a woman who claimed she was the devil..she died but then we saw this black cloud of smoke!" I shudder "oh..oh my god.." I was slapped by my mentor "don't you EVER take God's name in vain" I nodded and whined at the sting , I walked out quickly with them and ran to the room..the woman was pale and had veins throwout her body... "go to the facilities" I nodded, it was my job to preach to the homosexuals and show them the word of god. To change them you know? I felt wrong though..Doing it...just..hurt me so badly! Some nuns..they beat them or try to seduce the males to show them what woman are like and some priest..rape the doesn't help them! Can't they see! But if I say anything I'll be labeled a Satan loving freak..ugh...why does this world have to be so tough , I saw the black smoke , I gasped and ran from it , I ran past my mentor and he gripped me "what the fuck do you think your fucking doing?!" "Mentor! We're not allowed to cur-" I was slapped harder , I saw the black cloud stop and I whined "what is it." I frowned at him "it''s nothing..but one of the homosexual woman finely got cured," he smiled again "that's wonderful! Who was it!!" "Lucy marsati" he looked at me and smiled "all of your homosexuals get cured! I don't know how you do it!" I smiled and nod , I told Lucy to lie and flirt with males around her. To act like she was hetro. I want them to leave and live there lives! Not be held down by titles. He past the black cloud without evening..seeing it..I walked back wards and walked faster , I felt something grab my waist and throw me in a confession room , I yelled and hit them floor "what do we have here~" this man..he wasn't..I..he had horns and a devilish glare..his smile was... arousing~ I rubbed my eyes and slapped myself for thinking that , he gripped my hand and kissed it before he pulled away "wh-why didn't my hand burn you! I'm holy!" "No your not dice." I whimpered and spoke louder to this creature "YES I AM! I have never committed a sin before since I have joined!" He smiled and I quivered "your going to soon" and with that he disappeared. I pasted out

(DISCONTINUED) King dice x the devils Priest AUWhere stories live. Discover now