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                                             Chapter – 30

                                          (  New class….   )

“Bro.., all the beautiful girls of our school are there in that class and only two guys from other section got a chance  !” Din said

“ Even Nan is in that class“ John replied with a heavy heart.

There is a serious myth in High school that beautiful girls study hard and this is one of the reason that all the beautiful girls in the school are in that class. This is the first hour when none of us were interested in class. I and John walked out of class to see the so called “G-Section” which was abbreviated as Genius section as no teacher came down to attend our class due to change in time table. G-Section was exactly diagonal and about 50 meters away from our section.

Sudeep Sharma one among the two guys in that class is completely nuts about my girl. Though more than half of the school already knew that she is my Girl Friend, he still felt that he got some chance left . I and John noticed that Sudeep Sharma was talking to both my girl and Nan and all of them were sharing a nice laugh which was most painful for not only but John who was standing next to me. While we are still standing out Mrs.Alice was coming from staff room and she gestured us to go inside the class room, so we both walked inside the class room with all our eyes on G-Section.

“ There was a mistake in calculating your marks AJ , you stand Second in class and due to very less strength in G-Section some more students are allowed in that class so I will read out the names and those people can leave with their bags to the new section,” Mrs.Alice Said.

Luckily we three were there in the next list of 5 members, though it was very sad for us leaving our class still we had to move on with a heavy heart.

By  the time we entered new class it was already filled with different class students ,which almost seemed like a Complete world map with different people and our entry into class made all the class remain in silent for a while as some seriously hate us and few seriously love to be with us. The only benches which were left are last two which we actually wanted indeed, Leaving the last two benches itself made me clear that we are now in Toppers class.

“When did American civil war took place?”  Mrs.Olive asked me pointing her finger towards me.

  “1861 ..I think “ I said.

“ You think ? don’t think , tell me only if you are sure “ Mrs.Olive said with a loud voice and now whole class turned towards me.

“1861 “ I said.

“Opium war was between which two nations ?” she asked

“Britain and china “

“ What is the height of Mount K2 ?” she asked

“8611 meters “ I said.

“Sit down for now, but you are the man of the match for today and all my eyes are on you, Becareful.” She said.

Mrs.Olive was once my social studies teacher and she used to love me the most but she is now the class teacher of the section with which we had a quarrel on picnic day, which made her believe that we pretend to be good and indeed we are the most notorious of all.

It was truly unbearable to stay in this new class were I rarely get a chance to see my girl and all of the time spend studying or clearing there doubts. Sudeep sharma was completely talking advantage of this situation by clearing doubts and giggling with all the girls around. While I was reaching my Boiling point suddenly some one infront of me started too shout “Kooooooo,chikchikchik…!!! “Sounding typically like a train. I was completely startled to see this fellow shouting, he was none other than one of the toppers and the first among all of us in the class.

“What happened sunil teja?” I asked feeling that something might have happened.

“This a trick to get more concentration bro, don’t worry “ sunil teja replied.

“Shouting like a train improves concentration? What the hell is that? He also said me to look into a back dot in a white paper until white paper completely becomes black. I think this class is going to turn me completely insane and there rings the school bell which frees me out of this Insane class but as of now things are becoming complicated as I feel my girl is going away from me. ”  


                                                Chapter -30

                                      ( And the last Month …. )

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