Bay and Ash 7

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Thankfully Bay's eyes opened a few seconds later. "W-what?" He mumbled.

Ash gently layer him down on the floor. "You just passed out. Do you remember your name and where you are? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm Bay and this is the school library. And... now that you mention it, I've got a killer headache." He covered his eyes and made an uncomfortable sounding noise.

"Don't move, I'll be right back." Ash walked quickly to the water fountain and back, hoping he wouldn't be caught. Food and water wasn't allowed in the library, as it could damage the books and computers. Ash really didn't want to get in trouble right now.

"Here. Drink this. it should help."

Bay took the water bottle and sipped slowly. "It still hurts. But I guess dehydration doesn't go away in a second."

"Nope. Is that why you passed out you think?"

"Yea. Probably. I never drink enough water."

"We should probably tell an adult about this, just in case it turns out to be something a bit more serious."

"Nah, I'll be fine." To prove his point Bay pushed himself up into a sitting position. His eyes were squinting from the pain in his head.

"Did you eat anything today?" Ash asked, wondering if there could be another possible cause for the episode, but not wanting to alarm Bay with talk of adults and doctors.

"Not yet. I never have breakfast."

"Did you bring a lunch?"

"I forgot mine today and I don't have money."

"I'll get you something."

"It's ok. I'm not hungry."

"For later then."

"No. Thanks, but really, I'm good."

Ash sighed. This child definitely needed some calories in him but he was refusing anything Ash offered.

"Fine. I won't get you anything."

Bay almost sighed with relief, but then he caught himself.

"But you're coming with me after school."

Bay groaned.

"What? Is the prospect of going somewhere with me that undesirable?"

Bay blushed and laughed. "Never mind. See you then."

The boys parted ways, Ash returning to a class he hadn't left and Bay finishing his water before going to turn in some homework.

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