Spring Break 2

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Max had never gotten carsick in his life. He loved the super high roller coaster that scared everyone and the ones that spun faster than was really safe. Even on boats his stomach was relatively calm. So why was this bus ride making him feel so miserable?

His stomach was cramping harder and harder. He wondered if this was the kind of pain girls felt on their periods. Every time the bus hit a bump or turned sharply he had to swallow hard to keep from being sick. Max wasn't sure what was worse: the pain, the nausea, or the fact he'd be dealing with it for a five hour plane flight after he got off this horrid bus.

Max's family didn't live very close to an airport so they'd left their car at a designated location and were taking a bus. At the airport they'd have a bit of a wait while they had their luggage checked and go through customs. They could sleep on the plane and wake up in time to check into a hotel and go out for a nice dinner. Then his parents would probably go do something romantic. Max's sister Lily wanted to go shopping and Max had a few concerts he wanted to go to. He'd been looking forward to this trip for quite a while, though he hadn't made it a thing with his parents.

Max looked out the window, hoping the view would take his mind off the way he felt. It didn't. Instead he wasn't prepared for the next pothole in the road, which sent him flying forward into the back of his Lily's seat. He groaned and she turned around, an annoyed expression on her face. "What was that for?" She asked angrily.

Max didn't say anything. He felt so awful that missing the trip might be worth it if it would improve his physical state. He lay down on his seat and curled up in a ball, trying his best to keep everything inside him from coming out. His stomach wasn't very happy with his choice, protesting loudly enough that other passengers noticed. Max whimpered. Why wouldn't this just all go away?

Lily's expression softened. He looked really sick and she felt bad for him. He'd been looking forward to this trip for weeks. She gently tapped his shoulder. "Hey buddy, do you wanna go home?" Max stared up at her, his glassy eyes and feverish skin answering for her.

When they reached the airport, Max dashed for the bathroom. His parents didn't notice, as they were busy dealing with a ticket lady. Lily did though, and she followed, but slowly as she knew what was coming.

Max collapsed in front of a toilet and began heaving as soon as his knees hit the tile. For someone who rarely ate before three pm, quite a lot of vomit was produced. He was thoroughly ill, so much so that his retching continued long after the contents of his stomach sat in the porcelain bowl. Max had thought that throwing up might make him feel better, but it just made everything worse. It felt as though someone had stuck a knife into his middle and was twisting it mercilessly. He lay back on the floor and dissolved into tears.

At this point, Lily entered. "Oh Max," she sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

She knelt down and tried to comfort him as best she could. Rubbing his tortured abdomen seemed to afford him some relief. At one of the airport stalls, she purchased some medicines that she hoped would yield results.

"I need you to swallow this," she said gently, as she propped him up on a bench. She handed him a water bottle, "Drink slowly," and a handful of pills which he dutifully consumed. "Now try to keep it down." Max nodded and lay his head on her shoulder. He would love to sleep right now. Anything to make the pain disappear.

Lily texted her parents. "Max isn't feeling well. I don't think he'll last very long on the plane. Can I take him home?"

Her parents replied that, while they thought Max should stay here, she had so many things she wanted to do that she shouldn't be forced to stay home with her brother. They suggested getting a babysitter.

Lily texted the family that she knew would take care of her brother. "So, you'll be spending the next few days with Saul's family," she told her brother. "I hope you don't mind but I'm sure they'll take wonderful care of you."

Max had almost fallen asleep. The drugs Lily gave him were very effective in dealing with his pain. He made a noncommittal noise and drooled on her shoulder. Even at sixteen, brothers can still be adorable, Lily thought.

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