Chapter 44: Dawn vs. Chris

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The two pokémon crash into each other using Aqua Jet. Empoleon starts twirling around, turning into a water drill. Floatzel does the same, but he grabs onto Empoleon, stopping her. Empoleon is blasted back, but she flips and lands on her feet. Dawn smiles. "Hydro Pump!"

"Ice Beam," I say, smiling.

I put my hands in my pockets. Darkrai, Uxie, and Eve look at me. "You aren't-"

I nod to them. "Of course I'm not."

Floatzel's blast of water is frozen, but I see cracks forming. Floatzel bursts through, using Aqua Jet. "Catch him."

Empoleon grabs onto Floatzel, trying to slow him down. "Use Hydro Pump!" Dawn shouts.

Floatzel opens his mouth. I smirk. "You got me there."

Floatzel blasts Empoleon back, putting some distance between the two Water-types. I sigh. "This battle will go on for a long time if we're just using Water-types, Dawn."

She smiles. "I know that."

I smile again. "Fine. I'll end this quickly. Metal Claw."

Empoleon runs forward, hardening her wings. "Dodge it, Floatzel."

"Finish this, Empoleon. Hydro Cannon."

Empoleon looks up at Floatzel as he jumps. She charges a blue beam in her mouth, then blasts a giant stream of water at him, blasting him into the sky. Dawn gasps as he disappears from sight. Empoleon drops to one knee. She pants, exhausted. That attack takes a lot out of her, so I'll let her rest for now. Floatzel is nearing the ground. I gasp. Dawn is smirking. "Focus Blast!"

The red orb Floatzel is charging expands as it's launched at Empoleon. She looks up, only to be blasted away, knocked out. She lands in front of me. I smile and return her to her pokéball. "You did great."

I throw a pokéball. Rotom appears. "Let's do this, Rotom."

Rotom nods, zipping around me. Dawn take a deep breath, preparing herself. "Thunderbolt."
"Use Aqua Jet to dodge!"

Rotom fires a bolt of electricity at Floatzel. Floatzel starts flying through the air, dodging it. I smile. "Confuse Ray."

Rotom flies in front of Floatzel and starts swirling yellow orbs around his body. Floatzel crashes to the ground, confused. "Finish him," I say.

Rotom electrocutes Floatzel, knocking him out. Dawn sighs and returns him to his pokéball. She walks to me. "I forfeit," she says, smiling.

I open my mouth, but Dawn puts a finger to my lips. "I know you weren't trying. I've seen you fight seriously."

I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"It's perfectly fine. I'm not a fighter. I know that. That's why I'm not going to be participating in any more gym battles."

I smile. "I know."

Uxie floats over to me. "Your mom is back."

I look at the house and she waves. We walk over and Dawn hugs her. "You're back."

"Yep. You two ready for some gym battles?"

I nod. "Definitely."

Dawn takes out the case for her flute. "Let's get there quickly."

I shake my head. "We shouldn't waste their time."

"One of them is time."

"I know, but we can get there normally."

She sighs, putting the flute away. "Alright."

We start walking, heading for Canalave City.

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