Chapter 56: "Why I Left" Part 1

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A/N: Parenthesis will be used as flash-forwards to the present during Eve's backstory.

[Seven Years Ago]

("A little bit of what I told you before was true; however, I altered some things because I... lied to myself," I say.

"I understand. It's terrible. Now, what actually happened?")

I wake up in the middle of the night between Mom and Dad. I sit up and look around, but I notice something peculiar. I hear voices. "This is the place," a woman's voice says.

"Are you sure?" a man ("Gareth...") says.

"Who cares?" another man says. "Let's just burn it down now."

"They defiled us," Gareth says. "They deserve something much more humiliating and painful than burning to death."

I hear another woman laughing. "Torture. I love torture."

"I like that," Gareth replies. "The four of us will do everything we can to make them suffer."

I tug on Dad's neck. He starts to stir. "What is it, Eve?" he whispers.

I go to his ear. "Some people are talking outside."

He looks out of a knothole in the side of the hollow tree. He backs up. He looks like he's seen a ghost. He goes to Mommy and wakes her up. "They're here."


"Gareth," he murmurs.

Mommy gets up quickly and goes to me. "Eve. I'm so sorry it has to come to this."

"What's happening, Mommy?"

"When I fire an Ice Beam, run."


"Just do it. If they follow you, attack them with everything you've got. Don't hold back."

I nod, but my body is starting to quiver in fear. "Smoke them out," Gareth commands.

I hear laughter and I see smoke cloud up the room. I start to cough. Mom and Dad walk outside. I hide behind the wall next to the opening to the tree. "You motherfucker, Gareth!" Dad shouts.

"Why are you here?!"

"Ah, my old friends. How I've missed you. I've heard you have a child now. Little Eve." I start to hyperventilate at hearing my name. "Have you told her about who you two were yet?"

"Shut the fuck up, Gareth!" Mom yells. "You know what we were. You betrayed us!"

"You betrayed me!" Gareth shouts. "We were a team. You abandoned us and left me to die!"

"You know why we left!" Dad says.

"I've heard enough of their mindless babbling, Gareth," a woman says. "Let's kill them now."

"Not yet, Sara. We're not done catching up yet."

I peek out from behind the wall. An Umbreon, Sara, and a Sylveon, Gareth, are looking at each other. An Espeon is behind Gareth, but a Flareon is looking right at me. "Look!" he shouts.

"Gareth, I think that's Eve!"

Gareth looks at me and smiles. Mom and Dad move in front of me. "Don't even think about it," Mom warns.

"Grace, Grace, Grace. You don't change at all, do you?"

Gareth turns around. "Make them suffer, but save Eve for me."

Suddenly, Mom uses Ice Beam on the Umbreon. I run, just as Mom said. The Flareon uses Smokescreen, unintentionally masking my escape. I use Quick Attack to flee, jumping onto stumps and large branches, before reaching a river. I pant for breath. I hear Dad screaming in the distance. I gasp and feel tears on my cheeks. The Flareon jumps from a bush. "Hi, Eve. Let's play."

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