Chapter 30: Nightmares

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TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: There will be mentions of abuse and vomit, and heavy mentions of blood. Thanks for reading! Also this one might be long.

Also also guess who now has a bachelors degree? This girl! Guess who feels re-inspired to write again? This girl! Guess who is gonna traumatize the shit out of all of you and Y/n? THAT'S RIGHT KIDS- ME!!!! P.S. I love torturing my babies <3 ;3


You woke up at some point in the night on your back, one of Wilford's arms flung across your chest as he soundly slept next to you, laying face down on the bed. You slowly got up, gently easing his arm off of you. He grabbed up your hand, kissing it and then snuggling it to his chest. You got up, shifting your arm around to get it out of his grip. Taking a few steps away from the bed, your head immediately started to pound heavily with a migraine. You stopped and caught yourself on the edge of the bed, holding your head in your hands and groaning silently at the stabbing pain behind your eyes.

Wandering into the bathroom, you shut the door until it was only open a crack as to not wake Wilford with the light. You flipped on the light, hissing silently as the sudden change in brightness hurt your eyes and seemed to make your migraine even worse. Shutting them and slowly reopening them, your vision was blurry and fuzzy around the edges.

You could have swore there was a pair of icy baby blue eyes staring at you from behind and above your head. Rubbing your eyes and opening them again, the strange vision of a pair of floating eyeballs was gone, and you groaned.

You were so tired you were hallucinating. Looking into the mirror you frowned, pulling at your face gently. The dark circles underneath and the bloodshot whites of your eyes really showed how exhausted you were. Another sleepless night full of bad memories and restlessness.

You grabbed up a glass from the counter top, filling it with cold tap water. You grabbed the bottle of aspirin from the cabinet, pouring out a few and popping them into your mouth, chasing them quickly with the water. Taking a deep breath in and out you steadied yourself, palms flat against the edge of the sink. Looking back up into the mirror you were paralyzed.

Was this a dream or am I going crazy?

Behind you stood someone who you thought you would never see again.


In the flesh and blood he just stood there, staring at you through the mirror. Eyes still that piercing blue color, drained of any emotion. His skin was pale and grey looking, dead. A smile slowly pushed its way onto his face, but his eyes still remained lifeless. Blood poured from his mouth and down to his chin, splattering over his chest and onto the floor.

Your breath hitched in your throat and you took a big breath in, spinning around to face the specter behind you.

Nothing, there was absolutely nothing there. He wasn't standing behind you, bleeding. It was just you, alone in a bathroom very late at night. You blinked rapidly, trying to get the picture of it out of your head. A wave of nausea and cramps washed over you, it felt like somebody had punched into your stomach and preceded to rip out all of your insides. You doubled over in pain, and rushed over to the toilet, choking and dry heaving, struggling to breathe.

You heard the door creak open as you vomited heavily into the toilet. A hand gently fell on your back as another held your hair back, gently rubbing up and down comforting you. You glanced over between heaves and Wilford was there, looking at you with concern washing over his face. It felt like forever, just heaving up all of your insides as he sat there with you. Eventually it stopped, flushing it away Wilford gently tried to nudge you into a sitting position, holding a glass of water out to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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