The First Day Back in Paris

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[Y/n] walked down the street to the bakery Adrian told her to meet him at. It had been a year since she'd seen him, when he visited America. Adrian was her first cousin, but her mom and his dad got in fight, causing her mom to leave.

[Y/n] was excited to move to Paris for a while, especially after Adrian had told her about all his friends. Apparently one of his friends, Marinette, lived in the house upstairs since her parents owned this bakery. She wanted to ask the woman that served, probably Marinette's mother, if Marinette was here. She was too nervous though and decided to wait for Adrian.

She started scrolling through her phone, trying to find something to do. Her phone buzzed in her hand and a tab with a text from Adrian appeared at the top of the screen. "Going to be a little bit. Get the vanilla frappe while you wait."

"Thanks cuz," she replied. She went up to the counter and ordered what he recommended. She looked down to see a beautiful cannoli. She counted the money she had in her wallet to make sure she had enough because her mom didn't trust her with more than five dollars. She got both and went back to her table. A boy with bright red hair watched her with a pink rouge across his cheeks. [Y/n] noticed and smiled shyly with a wave. He looked away with embarrassment.

[Y/n] took out her sketch book and pulled up one of her favorite pictures of Adrian. She sketched a rough face shape and did a little erasing before adding his hair. She had to clean it up a lot and fix the face shape again. With her guide finished, she drew lines for the location of the eyes, nose, and mouth. After a lot of drawing, erasing, and analyzing Adrian's face, she finished it off to a picture of Adrian laughing with his eyes squinting.

She finished and looked over at the boy. He too had a sketch book and was drawing. He glanced up for a second and blushed hard. She couldn't help but smile. The boy was cute, for sure. His beautiful eyes were as turquoise as the macaroons in front of him. The boy smiled for a moment at her, and she considered talking to him before she heard a familiar voice.

"[Y/n]!" She turned to the door to see Adrian standing there with a huge smile on his face. She could only imagine when he was seven and missing teeth but smiled like that most of the time.

"Adrian," she said quietly, rising slowly then running into his arms. Her hair swept against his shoulders as she melted to him. She backed away and looked over his face. "You've grown."

"You haven't," he teased. "I've missed you, [y/n]."

"I've missed you too." She squished his face and said, "Dysfunctional fish!" He smiled and started laughing.

"I haven't heard that in years," he marveled.

"I haven't done that in years," she responded, her [e/c] eyes sparkling.

Behind them, the boy watched with jealously. Marinette now this girl? Why couldn't he have one girl? No one likes a lonely artist until they die and their work is finally recognized. He sighed and looked down at the drawing of the [h/c] girl drawing something he could barely see. He was proud of it; it would make the onlooker wonder who she is and what she's drawing, just like he did. He was interrupted by Adrian calling, "Nathanael!"

He looked up to see Adrian pulling the radiant girl by her hand over to him. She smiled at him, her teeth shiny like pearls and eyes sparkling at him. Her iris pattern looked like little stars winking at him, inviting him to come closer to her. He looked down in embarrassment, cheeks burning uncontrollably like the desire in his heart for the ravishing girl walking towards him. He realized his sketchbook lay open to her picture and flipped back to the sketch of an unfinished rose he had started before he saw her.

"This is [y/n] also known as Tiny Satan," he said with a laugh.

"It was one time," she defended. "And an accident!"

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