The Evillustrator

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[Y/n] sat on her bed and played a slow, beautiful melody on her normal flute. She closed her eyes and let different measures of various pieces come to mind to make one song. The music and the breeze from the open window blowing through her hair helped her reach a nirvana-like trance.

Her song ended with a drastic crescendo followed by a slow, gentle decrescendo that faded to nothing without a definite end. "That was beautiful," a familiar smooth voice said behind her. She turned to see someone in a white and purple suit sitting on the windowsill beside her bed. His red hair turned to a dusty purple.

"Hello, mademoiselle," he greeted as he lowered himself to the bed. [Y/n]'s body wouldn't let her move. "Don't worry, my dear. You'll be safe with me." He came a little closer, and [y/n] did too. She felt compelled too. "You are beautiful," he whispered to her as he took both her hands.

"Wh-what? You think I'm... that I'm..."

"Stunning? Radiant? Ravishing? Gorgeous? You are, you truly are." Her cheeks burned as he leaned closer to her and whispered even softer, "Come with me, and I'll give you the night of your life."

"But my mom-"

"Don't worry, my darling. I'll take care of it for you."

"Wait, don't hurt her, please."

"No, I won't. Promise," he said with a smile. He drew dazzling white wings on himself and said, "Come here my darling." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he held her waist. They basically glided to the Eiffel Tower, which was free of people thanks to the walls that were built around it by the Evillustrator. He landed, softly, and his wings disappeared.

[Y/n] smiled up at him, still standing on her tip toes. "I'm glad I came," she said as she twirled a piece of his hair behind his neck.

"The fun has just began," he promised. She giggled and hugged him. He held her close, the way she'd expect from a boyfriend. Now, he played with her hair. Several seconds passed before he broke away. She saw the scene properly for the first time. Around them was probably hundreds of candles, shaped into a heart. Rose petals were scattered inside all of it. A blanket was set out for them.

"This is so beautiful... Evillustrator, I... I don't know what to say... No one's ever loved me as much as you do..."

He looked up from his tablet and asked tenderly, "What about Adrian Agreste?"

"That's waaaaaaayyyyyy different than this," she said wide eyed.

He nodded and continued. He produced a perfect rose and handed it to her. She took it carefully and studied it carefully. The rose turned to glitter in her hands, and a picture of it with the words 'I love you' were now on the back of her hands. Before she could think, the Evillustrator grabbed her waist and kissed her. His soft lips met hers, and she moved her hands to his hair. He broke away from her and twirled her in a circle to him.

With his arms around her, he drew a stereo that popped into life and started playing slow music. He spun her away from him and lead her into a slow dance.

As she spun, there was a loud clink like medal on medal, and the music stopped. The Evillustrator's nails cut into her hand, even through his glove. His grip was iron on her hand. She couldn't scream, couldn't pull away; she just froze.

Chat Noir landed in front of them. "Hello little lady, I'm here to save you," he said with a smirk. "As for you, let her go," he commanded, twirling his staff.

"Never. I love her! She wants to be with me; she agreed to come!" he yelled sharply. He pulled her to his chest, holding her too tight. She felt trapped now. She couldn't breathe. Strong arms held her; walls surrounded her. There wasn't an escape route in sight. She was trapped, restrained. Why were there two Chat Noirs now?

"Let her go!" Chat Noir screamed with urgency. "You're scaring her. If you love her, you have to let her go," he said carefully. "My God, she's bleeding." Blood ran down her hand where the Evillustrator's nails dug into her.

"I can fix that," he said shakily. In his arms, [y/n] was shaking.

"Just let her breathe," the cat instructed as he glanced around, probably looking for a bug.

"Leave," the Evillustrator instructed. The cat didn't move. The Evillustrator drew a cat crate around the cat and flew away with his darling in his arms.

He laid her in her bed. She looked at him with fear, silent and unmoving. "I'm so sorry," he soothed. He put a hand to her cheek. Her skin was cold, like all the comforting warmth had disapparated along with the sparkle in her eyes. "I love you, darling," he promised as a tear fell down his cheek. He drew some bandages and wrapped her hand carefully. He covered her tenderly with a blanket and knelt beside her. He kissed her hand directly above the marks from his nails before rising and disappearing out the window.

[Y/n] drew her hand close to her face and pressed where he kissed to her face for a few seconds. She took a breath, and the knot of fear and pain in her throat threatening to explode. She put her hand over her heart and cried for a while before drifting off to sleep, promising to herself she wouldn't do something like that ever again, even with Nathanael. Worse could have happened. She could have been mugged, kidnapped, or murdered. What was wrong with her? Why didn't she think for a millisecond?

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