The Evillustrator Returns

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That night, [y/n] took a long, relaxing shower to think over what she'd tell the Evillustrator if he came. She decided that for once in her life, she had to stand up to someone. She put her hair in a braid so it would be wavy in the morning and put on her fluffy pajamas and walked into her room.

She heard a tap against her curtained windows. She parted the curtains to see the Evillustrator sitting there with a sad smile. "May I come in?" he asked gently. [Y/n] held out her hand, which he took and slid down to her bed. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry... again."

"You didn't mean to did you?" she asked quietly.

"Never. Darling, I love you. That rose on your hand, it's color comes from my love. It won't fade until my love for you does. So, basically never."

"I'm sorry, I can't go anywhere with you. I promised my friend I wouldn't after he asked to see my hand. I told him the truth."

"How about I just stay here?"

"Fine," she sighed.

"That friend of yours, who are they?"

"His name's Nathanael," she said quietly. He turned to her.

"Do you love him?" he asked. As [y/n] looked in his eyes, she realized where she saw those oceans before.

"Yes," she said quietly. "You know that, my rose." She kissed his lips gently. When they finally parted, she was looking at normal Nathanael. "You're adorable," she whispered as he rubbed circles into her back again.

"I love you, darling."

"I love you too, my sweet little rose."

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