four ;

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I entered the classroom, taking my now usual seat, next to Rye's.

I waited for him to walk into the class.

I was one of the first people in the classroom, so I watched as the rest of the class filed in and got settled into their seats.

The tardy bell rang. The teacher closed the door. Rye was still not here. My mind was telling me to worry.

What if he's stuck somewhere being bullied?

What if he was kidnapped?

What if-

He walked through the door and suddenly all these anxious thoughts left me.

"Sorry, I was finishing up a test for Mr. Johnson." He explained, handing the teacher a written excuse. She accepted the slip of paper and directed him to go sit down.

My heart rate was finally starting to go at its normal pace again.

He sat in the seat beside of me and opened his binder.

"Did you finish the worksheet?" I asked.

"There was like one more question. I thought I knew it but I couldn't really understand. I was gonna text you about it but I figured you were probably asleep and I didn't want to wake you." He explained.

It was so cute. How he didn't want to risk waking me up over a question that he didn't understand.

"Oh, then we should finish it before she comes around and takes them up." I suggested.

He nodded, taking out the almost completed sheet of paper.

"This one." He pointed to the unanswered question. I thought about it for a moment before saying, "Oh, that's easy."

I instantly regretted my choice of wording.

Why did I say it like that, now he's gonna think that I think that he's stupid.

Today's screw up with Andy: Achieved.

* * *


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