eleven ;

842 66 18

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I unlocked my phone and went straight to my call log.

There it was.

It wasn't a dream.

My mind couldn't help but wonder what it was that he wanted to tell me.

Why'd he even message me in the first place?

It was pretty obvious that he was drunk. I could tell by his outrageous number of typos and the slur in his voice when he spoke.

Maybe it was just a prank.

Maybe he and his friends were drunk and just playing some game.

To mess with me.

To make fun of me.

Of course my mind drifts to the worst case scenarios. That's how my brain is wired.

But what if he actually wanted to tell me something?

What if he's just too shy to tell me when he's sober?

My mind went blank for a second.

Pfft. Yeah right.

He was definitely just messing with me.

* * *


Don't ;  {Randy}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin