chapter 7

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Hey this is a short chapter ,I finally decide to update because I've been actually getting requests.Sorry it's taken so long but I'm in my matric/ senior year and honestly first term seems like it started years ago...

Chapter 7

Living people!
"Help!Help me!"...I'm so tired.
The people quickly turned my way,a girl with short brown hair that was stabbing walkers by the fence came towards me first.

Her face held immediate... determination.She immediately  ran towards -what I assumed to be -the main gate,shooting down walkers as they neared me.I glanced back for what could have been half a second and was meet with the sight of dozens of walkers pouring out of the tree line ,a few paces behind me.

I felt myself starting to cry as I took out my previous holstered gun and shot ...once...twice...three times...

The shots rung out heavy ,but seemed to have  dulled out against my heart beat that seemed to throb through my body and beat like a drum in my ears.
My  breath came out in laboured whips.
My lungs  runt painfully.
All I heard was gun shots and my ever painfully beats of my heart.
...then in that moment everything stopped...

I glanced up as the browned haired girl let me into the compound.
Through my blurry visions I saw a walker lunging itself right right behind her...
I aimed my gun,her eyes went wide,"woah hey I'm - "

I cut her off by pulling the trigger...




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