Chapter Six: Party Part Two

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Chapter Six: Party Part Two🎉✌️
I have been wandering around the house inside and out with no sign of Mia or Max. Not that I really cared about him but I mean I do it's just like I'm worried for him.
I haven't checked any of the bed rooms but I'm not taking the chances on walking in on a "happy" couple. So I wandered my way into the kitchen. I sighed as the door closed and the music faded only to almost puke because there was a couple practically having sex on the counter. Like his pants were gone and her cloths were skimpy enough to work around them.
"Seriously? Get a freaking BEDroom!!" I yelled at them. They turned red and said sorry. The guy pulled his pants on and the girl straightened herself up and they walked out. They were definitely humans. I looked around the empty kitchen. "Guess it's just you and me." I said to the cooler holding the beer. I grabbed one and looked at it. Yes? No? Maybe just a little? Nah let's get wasted. Why? How about half? Thoughts kept swirling around in my head making me dizzy. I opened the top on the side of the counter like my dad does and took a cautious sip. It was cool and bubbly just what I needed. I downed my first one in ten minuets and then grabbed another one.
"BEA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Mia came into the kitchen with Dom, Lane, Derek, and the twins. I looked at her and shrugged.
"Don't worry Mia." I said I walked up to her and slung my arm around her neck. "I only had one." I looked at her. She sighed and so did the guys. "Besides won't it take like three of these to make a werewolf drunk?" I popped open my second one and took a sip.
"I think it's already affecting you Bea. You haven't shifted so you don't know the physical strength of your wolf yet." Mia said. I just shrugged my shoulders and proceeded to drink my beer.
"Can we do something? Like something fun?" I asked. Everyone was shaking their heads at me and laughing.
"Here take Lane dancing." Dom pushed Lane towards me and then pushed us out the door taking my beer as well. I pouted at my empty hand but Lane tugged me onto the dance floor.
First we danced facing each other but eventually I just let my body move with his and we ended up grinding. Suddenly I felt the urge like I really really had to pee. I told Lane and he nodded and told me to meet him in the kitchen when I got back.
I sprinted to the bathroom and tried the knob. Locked. I knocked rapidly but only got moans in response. People are sick. I backed away from that door and headed towards the next one a little ways down the hall. I knocked before entering and got no reply. I swung the door open to find four people all making out. I shut that door. The last bathrooms were up stairs. There's one in Max's room and his parents room. I know for a fact his parents room is off limits but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I just ran in and ran back out of his room.
I dash up the stairs and walked/ran down the hall to his door. I listed for any sounds but didn't hear anything. I open the door and smack. It was basically like getting hit in the face with a board of nails. Max and a human were sitting on his bed making out and doing the whole cute couple kind of thing. Max looked almost horrified when he saw me and the girl just looked annoyed.
"Uhhh....bathroom..could I use it?" I asked. My voice was shaky and you could tell I was going to cry. My stupid face had to deceived me of course too. Max just nodded and I shut the door and kept my head down as I walked towards his bathroom. Once I shut the door and locked it I leaned my head against the wall. All thoughts of going pee hand vanished and my only thoughts were on Max and the girl. I never got jealous when Max was with another girl but this time it was different. Like it really hurt me to see him with her but I don't know why. The tears finally came rolling down my cheeks and I let out a soft sob. Why am I crying? I shut my eyes and held my hand against my mouth so my crying wasn't as loud.
I felt someone trying to mind link me and I knew it was Dom because it made me feel safe and protected. I opened my mind up to him.
*Bea why are you crying? You must be in a lot of pain for me to feel it. Even pack members are feeling it.*
*It's hard to explain. I'm up in Max's bathroom.* Another sob escaped my lips and I bit down on my hand.
*So Max is with you?*
*Alright Bea. Just sit tight we'll come and get you.* Dom didn't sound calm like when we first started the conversation he sounded angry. Very angry.
I slid down the wall and leaned my head against the shower door. I heard Dom and everyone else that felt the need to be involved come crashing into the room. Immediately Mia was yelling at the girl to get out and what sounded like Seth and Drew yelling at Max. I couldn't make out what they were saying because Lane, Derek and Dom knocked on the bathroom door. I crawled over and opened it up.
They all looked down at me like I was a lost little puppy on their door step and I looked up at them like a lost little puppy on their door step. And then I started crying again. Dom had me in his arms.
"You know Bea I don't think your much of a party girl." Dom whispered into my ear. This made me stop crying and look at him. "Your way to mature for this shit." I have a small smiled because having my bother say that really meant a lot and for some reason he always makes me feel better. "Do you want to go home?" He asked.
"Yeah but let's not tell mum and dad." I said sounding like a little girl. He smiled wide.
"Whoa I didn't know you kept secrets from mum and dad." He laughed and I smiled full on this time. Dom just knew what to do when I was crying.
Dom helped me up and Lane, Derek, Seth, Drew and Mia all gave me hugs before I left the bathroom. When I walked out Max was gone but Dom kept helping me along until we were in his car and driving home.

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