Dream 13

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He came up to me very quickly. It didn't give me the proper time to gather my thoughts into one place before he came. He spoke low to me, and if I wasn't paying attention, I would not have understood any of what he said to me. "Mar, I need you to kiss me, and quick" those were the words he whispered to me. "I'll explain later," he added even quieter than before, then without warning, his lips crashed onto mine. I didn't have to question the situation, it was Theo, I trusted him, so I went along. Every thought I had before his lips touched mine, was gone the instant our lips made contact. His lips were soft yet rough to the touch. He started the kiss passionately, holding the left side of my face with one hand and the other against the wall behind me. Our bodies weren't touching, just our lips. I never would have expected a moment like this between us. We were just two close friends, having met only two months ago, but had gotten as close as best friends could with our numerous late night conversations about anything and everything. He knew more about me than my girl best friends had in the past two years. That's how close we had become in our friendship. He knew me and my fears, just like I knew him and his fears. Without warning, the kiss made a feeling go deeper within me, causing a moan to weave its way through my body. The warmth emanating from our connection didn't last much longer, because a few short seconds later, we were pulled apart from eachother. My eyes stayed closed for a beat longer in hopes to steady my erratic heart beats. The second my eyes opened, a wave of reality hit me. Standing before me was Leila, Theo's possessive ex-girlfriend. She dumped him but he ended it for good this past time. See Leila is the type to go around flirting and getting with other people, she never cares for anyone but herself. The day after their "break up", Theo came home to find her in bed with his best friend who happens to be one of his roommates. He doesn't like to admit it, but seeing this really hurt him. To add to all of this, the day Theo and I became friends, Leila started to get this weird wave of jealousy around us, and would try to whatever she could to get Theo back. It hasn't worked yet but she still keeps on trying.

"Theo baby, when are you going to stop slumming and just come back to me? I know you miss all of this." She said as she ran a hand down her body and then up his.

I wasn't even bothered by what she had said when she referred to me. I smirked over at Theo who was giving me a look, that I think he wanted me to take as a serious tone, but it just made me want to laugh instead. I mean it was a house party, did he expect to not run into the queen of partying? I shook my head at him as if saying "you're on your own here." Then I started to make my way away from them in hopes to find something else to be occupied with. I entered the hallway and immediately was reminded of why I don't enjoy going to house parties. There was never enough room or air flow so I always just felt gross around all the sweaty people. I knew most of the people in here, well knew might be the wrong term to use. I recognized a majority of them because of the team and because of Theo. A few of the guys waved at me as I entered the room. I gave a small smile to them as I searched the room. The majority of people were standing around the room trying to talk or flirt, but with the loud music playing you could tell that no one really could understand what was going on. A few people were "dancing", which I don't really call dancing since it was just weird grinding to "Today's Hits". It was kind of annoying but I don't have anything against how some people danced. It's just that I love to dance, and had this big urge to actually dance, I'm really good at it too, that's what a lot of people tell me at least, but I wasn't about to when it was already a sad sight of people trying to dance or just shake here and there. I was leaning against the wall as I watched people interact and dance.

Jeremy walked over to me and started to tug at my hand. "Come on let's dance babe," he said still trying to pull me out there.

"The music sucks Jer, I'm not dancing to this." I said trying to stay put.

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