Chapter 3

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    "Tonigghhhttttt, we are young!" Everyone was belting out the lyrics to the many songs blasting through the speakers in the Lovelace's basement. I had just came down to get a drink when I was dragged out to the dance floor with the rest of the sweaty teens. I didn't mind though, I'm always up for dancing. I had my hands in the air and was shaking my butt when I felt a presence press up behind me. It didn't really surprise me though, grinding was the only dance these people seemed to know. I turn around to see a shirtless Tyler pressed against me. He smelled like axe and beer, but still looked perfect.

    Just wanting to have a little fun, I threw my arms around his neck and began moving my hips with his. He smiled as I joined him in the dance, swaying with the rhythm of the music. Suddenly he dropped his head near my ear.

    "You look perfect." He whispered it so low I almost didn't hear him. Looking down, I realized I was still in my bikini top and running shorts and my hair was a mess from the water and chlorine. No way did I look perfect, but I'd still accept the complement.

    "You don't look too bad yourself." I said back with a smirk. I still wasn't sure about Tyler, and I was not about to let myself get played.

    "How bout I get us something to drink?" I nodded and he turned to walk through the crowd of people. All of the sudden, Aaron was in front of me, a mixture of confusion and anger on his face.

    "What are you doing with Tyler?!" He practically yelled it. I could tell he was a bit angry, which made me mad. He had no right to be angry with me. I was just trying to enjoy myself, and he hit on slutty girls all the time.

    "What are you talking about, we were just dancing? It's no big deal."

    "He's just going to hurt you Maggie, that's what he always does. He gets girls to sleep with him then never talks to them again. You can't trust him!" This made me mad. Who said I would ever fall for his games anyway? And was it impossible for him to like me for me?

    "Stay out of it Aaron, it's my life. And it's not like I'm planning our marriage. I can harmlessly flirt with whomever I please. And don't you think I can handle myself? I've stayed a virgin this long, I can wait a little longer! Besides, is it so impossible for him to actually like me?"

    "Well, what I'm saying is right now he is drunk, so who knows what he will do. And he has never liked anyone for their personality, I don't think you'd be any special to him!" That one hurt. I know he didn't mean to hurt my feelings, but I was already so angry. I turned away from him to find Tyler. I could hear Aaron calling after me but I didn't care. And what I did then was truly mean, but it was the heat of the moment. I made eye contact with Aaron to make sure he was watching, grabbed Tyler by the jaw and pulled his lips to mine. Tyler seemed shocked at first, but quickly began kissing me back. The kiss was sloppy and he tasted of alcohol, but I was too focused on making Aaron mad. When I pulled away I saw that Aaron had grabbed a red cup filled with beer and was angrily walking away, chugging his drink. It was then I knew I messed up; Aaron almost never drinks. His dad was an alcoholic and left him, his mom, and his little sister when Aaron was 9 and his sister was only 2.

    "Want to get out of here?" Tyler asking with a grin. I panicked. No, I didn't want to leave with him so he could practically rape me. I kissed him out of anger and shouldn't have. I had to make up a lie, stat.

    "I actually told Krissy that I'd meet up with her at ten so I should be going." I ran away before he could respond. I finally found Krissy in a mess of people by the pool.

    "Hey, we're going to set up fireworks soon, will you help?" I didn't really want to talk about what happened yet, so I nodded in agreement and headed to the backyard where we would light the fireworks. I'd tell her all about it later, since I was staying the night there.

    We got all of the fireworks out in the order we wanted and waited for her dad to get there. Since we wanted to watch the show and didn't want to set the yard on fire, her dad promised to light them for us. We made our way back to the people inside and Krissy pulled out an air horn that was stored in a cabinet in the basement.

    "Hey everybody! The fireworks will begin in five minutes. Better start getting your seats now!" Right after the words left Krissy's mouth everyone began moving to the chairs we had set up. Krissy, Aaron, and I had reserved seats in the front row, but I had an odd feeling Aaron wouldn't be there.

    When we made our way through the people and up to the front, Krissy asked, "Have you seen Aaron, he's not here yet?" I did not want to ruin the fireworks show for her so I answered with, "He probably just found some girl to watch them with." She bought it easily, because it's something he would do anyway.

    When the fireworks begin I usually just stair up in the sky in awe. But tonight I was too distracted. What if Aaron had done something to get himself hurt. I hadn't seen him anywhere at the party since I pulled my stupid stunt, and even though it's a HUGE house, I should have seen him by now. I kept looking down at my phone to see if he'd text, though I knew he wouldn't. He's one of the most stubborn people you will ever meet. My nerves got the better of me and I abruptly got out of my seat in the middle of the show and walked away to where it was quieter. I looked at my recent calls to see his name on there the most and called him. It seemed to ring forever until I heard his voice mail. I must have called at least 40 times before I gave up. When I went back over to Krissy the show was over.

    "Oh my God! Where the hell did you go?! I didn't even see you leave, but the heart shaped firework came up and I was going to look over at you to give you a seductive wink and you weren't there! I was so lonely!" She laughed and wrapped me in a hug.

    "I'll tell you when everyone leaves, okay?"

    "Alright, and where is Aaron?" She asked with concern, realizing the seriousness of my tone.

    "I don't think he will be staying the night." She looked confused but after she saw the look on my face she didn't press on.

    It took about an hour for everyone to finally leave, and when they did we made our way up to her room. Right when the door shut, tears began swelling in my eyes and I told her everything.

    "And he hasn't answered any calls?"

    "No! I'm so scared Kris!" I sobbed. He had his keys and had to be driving. Krissy made soothing noises and pulled me into her chest to calm me down.

    "Everything is going to be alright. We'll see him tomorrow morning, I promise." She said to me as the tears began to make my eyelids heavy and I began to drift into sleep.


Wow this takes longer than I thought it would. Please feel free to give me some feedback! Inbox me with suggestions for the cast. Keep on keepin on:)

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