Thirty Four

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Having survived Ariana's attempt to kill me, I felt strangely superior. I was still alive and I had the love of an amazing guy. Those were two things Ariana would never again have. As sad as it was to admit, I finally had something that she didn't, which was a first.

The weekend was quickly approaching and I had no idea whether Ariana still believed I would meet her on Sunday. I hoped she did; just so she would leave me alone until then. Once she figured out that I hadn't died when she had buried me, she'd most likely want to find out from me if I still planned on joining her or not. I would have to remain on guard every day and night, anxiously awaiting her visit.

On Friday, my parents were going out of town for a wedding. I would get to stay home alone all weekend. My mom left me money, had stocked up on some groceries, and said she would call me once they arrived. They didn't go out of town very often, especially without me tagging along, but the timing couldn't have been better. I could deal with Ariana without needing to continue acting natural.

"Aren't you supposed to tell me not to have wild parties while you're away?" I questioned my mom as she got ready to go.

My mom frowned. "Oh, honey. You've been having such a tough time since Ariana died...honestly, if you want to have a small get-together, go ahead. Just don't tell your dad."

I smiled. "I was just kidding. I'm not going to throw a party or anything like that. I don't have anyone to invite anyway."

I tried to laugh, but my mom just made a sad face and touched my cheek.

My dad put their luggage in the car as my mom got into the passenger seat. I heard my dad say he'd forgotten something and he ran back inside.

"Hey, happily Everly after!" he called out to me, using an old nickname he'd given me that still made me giggle.

I popped out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, Dad?"

He slipped me some money into my hand. "Try to get out and have some fun, huh? Your mom is...worried about you. We hate seeing you so upset over Ariana. Maybe go out and see a movie or something?"

I nodded. "Sounds like a good idea! Thanks, Dad."

I had put too much effort into sounding excited and now it was just awkward. My dad cleared his throat and then hugged me. He held on for a few extra seconds and I squeezed him tight. Tears welled in my eyes.

"Oh, and Everly?" my dad said as he walked back out the door. "You're going to have the house all to yourself the whole weekend and I know how teenagers like to throw parties."

I laughed. "Not me, Dad."

"All I'm saying is if you do, make sure it's small so it doesn't get out of hand. And, uh...don't tell your mom!" He winked at me.

I sighed and waved goodbye.

I watched my parents drive away and said a silent prayer for them to be safe, out of Ariana's range. I knew they were both concerned for me. They didn't know about Leo yet, and they never saw me hanging out with any friends. I couldn't blame them for assuming I was keeping to myself out of depression since Ariana had passed away. I had been going out of way to hide the entire Ariana drama from them. They didn't know about it, but they weren't stupid. My parents could always tell when I was upset.

I went back into the kitchen to make myself something to eat when there was a knock at the door.

I bet mom forgot something! I laughed to myself.

But to my surprise, Vivian and Maggie stood on my front stoop. My cheeks flushed when I saw them. I still felt terrible after having run out of Maggie's the way I had. I invited them in.

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