I love you.

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(A/n: Hey, if you're reading this, thabkyouverymucccch! Please keep on reading and supporting it until the end! Feel free to vote every entries and also comment...

But please, NO PLAGIARISM!
hope you enjoooy, loveyah!

March 21, 2018

Big hope and she's praying so hard. Waiting for his reply, to end up her decision: To start over or to move on. Quietly having patience and walking non-stop, while holding her phone so tight.
"It's been 3 months and until now, I feel sorry about what I've done. I still love you." the girl texted.

Minutes passed, and finally! She received a text from him. "Yah, hope you're doing fine :) but I love you."

She couldn't stop and cries with joy. She's composing a reply when she suddenly receives a message again.

"Ow sorry, I mean, I loved you. Have a good day ahead! Bye!"

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