Love is in the Air.

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March 24, 2018

'If your mom and dad are still together, you don't understand how lucky you are.' Every time she scrolls through her twitter, that's all what she'd read, or maybe that's a quote that she couldn't even accept. Lie, lie, lie. That's the word she could utter every time she read it.

Yes, ever since she's a baby they are a complete family. "An ideal happy family!" her teacher said, when one time she told in front of her classmates about her family.

But now that she grew up, she couldn't find the essence of the luck, in having a complete family. Cause everyday she could hear are two voices shouting with matching of slaps, and for the night, she couldn't feel the embrace of having a happy family and kisses of warm love and care from them. Because all they can do in public, is to show fake love.

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