Jimin stayed silent, unable to bring himself to tell Taehyung the truth. He was too scared. Scared of telling Taehyung and having the other not believe him, scarred the moment he told the other, Jungkook would come and all the progress they'd made would be over, scared that he'd be judged. Jimin sniffed as more tears started making their way down his cheeks, his emotions were all in turmoil. He didn't want Taehyung to give up on him but the younger would if Jimin wouldn't start being honest. It was a lose-lose situation for Jimin.
"Jimin?" Taehyung called out to him softly but Jimin didn't answer and only continued crying.
"Jimin, baby, please talk to me?" Taehyung requested using the old nickname he used to talk to Jimin whenever Jimin was really upset. Being as emotional as he was now, the nickname only served to make him cry more as he whispered into the phone, "I can't. I.. I can't." He whispered it over and over slipping in a few sorries every few seconds.
"Jimin listen please.... is Jungkook there right now? Is he listening to this conversation" Taehyung asked in a low voice.
"...No," Jimin answered.
"Baby... be honest with me... has...has he hurt you? Has Jungkook done something to hurt you Jimin?" Taehyung continued in a small soft voice as to not set Jimin off more. Jimin didn't respond only nodded his head even though he knew Taehyung couldn't see him.
"Jimin please... just say yes or no." Taehyung urged.
"...Y-yes," Jimin whispered screwing his eyes shut fearing that Jungkook might be listening in on the conversation and would now burst out of the bedroom and yell at him, but it didn't happen.
Jimin herd Taehyung take in a sharp intake of breath and he could just imagine how worried his best friends face would have looked at that moment, he could even imagine how the younger would be biting his lip and furrowing his eyebrows.
"H-has he hit you?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes," Jimin whispered again, his voice barely audible.
"That bastard," Taehyung whispered probably more to himself than to Jimin. "How long has he been hurting you baby? Can you tell Taetae what he's done?"
"I...I can't...I-I'm scared Taetae" Jimin whispered.
"It's ok baby you don't have to tell me then, but you do need to tell me where you are. Where has he taken you Jimin? Where do you live?" Taehyung questioned.
"..I don't know...I don't know our address... I-I only know it's somewhere in Busan. A-A part I never have been in." Jimin answered sniffling.
"Alright, shh shh, it's going to be ok, I'll find you, you just need to be strong for me, can you do that Jimine?"
"Tae... I'm pregnant." Jimin said in a really quiet voice. There was a moment of silence before Jimin heard Taehyung begin to curse loudly.
"Did he...did he force himself on you? Has he put the baby in jeopardy?" Taehyung asked in a low voice sounding very angry.
"He...I..." Jimin stuttered with his words and before he could properly figure out what he wanted to say he heard the bedroom door open and shut and could hear Jungkook's footsteps hurrying towards him. Jimin sat frozen, panic running through his veins as he feared the worst. Jungkook lied, he was listening to my conversation, he knows! His brain screamed at him causing him to look up at the younger in horror when Jungkook came to a stop in front of him. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Jimin and then motioned for him to hand over the phone which Jimin did without a word feeling terrified of the situation.
"Hello, Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook said into the phone. Jimin held his breath shaking in his spot. He had both of his arms wrapped around his stomach protectively as he fought back the sobs threatening to spill out of him. He could barely make out the words Jungkook was saying to Taehyung as he felt his blood rush to his ears and drown out the noise, all his mind could think about was that Jungkook knew and that the younger would hurt him.
"Yes sorry for just taking the phone away from Jimin but I heard him crying so I just had to come and see what was wrong. What did you say to him hyung?" Jungkook asked staring directly at Jimin his eyes boring right into Jimin. Jimin looked away unable to maintain eye contact as his body shook from the terror he was feeling.
"I see, I'm sorry to hear about your dad hyung, I don't know if Jimin has told you yet but he's pregnant and we're nearing the end of it so his doctor advised us not to go on long trips so we can't come to see him, sadly. I'm really sorry hyung, we'd come otherwise but it's really not safe for Jimin to travel so close to the end of the term." Jungkook continued and Jimin stared at the ground in confusion. Had something happened to Taehyung's dad? Or was Taehyung trying to cover for him? Jimin hoped and silently prayed it was the latter reason and not the earlier.
"He's about two weeks from the expected due date... yea sorry for keeping it a secret and no you don't need to come, I know you're busy... no, it's really ok hyung, don't bother, we'll call you when she's born, promise. Anyway, I got to go now hyung, Jimine's still crying I should comfort him. So I'll talk to you later, bye hyung!" Jungkook said finishing the conversation and quickly ending the call and turning off the phone before pocketing it.
"Jimin," Jungkook called out to the elder in a stern voice. Jimin stiffened and slowly looked up at the younger who was still looking at him suspiciously. He looked at Jungkook with blurry vision as he had yet to stop crying.
"Are you seriously crying over Taehyung's father being in the hospital?" Jungkook asked. Jimin took a second to process the words before he nodded deciding to go with the possible lie that Taehyung had told Jungkook.
"You weren't even that close to his father why should you be crying over this?" Jungkook asked accusingly. Jimin didn't say anything, instead, he looked away from Jungkook and began wiping his tear-stained face. After a moment he heard Jungkook sigh and then walk away and come back a second later with tissues.
"Here," Jungkook said as he lifted Jimin's face by the chin and softly began wiping away at the tears falling from Jimin's eyes. He leaned down after wiping away the tears and softly kissed Jimin's forehead.
"Shh, don't cry Jiminie," Jungkook instructed as he took a seat next to the elder and pulled him close. He rubbed circles into Jimin's arms as Jimin continued to shake and let out small sobs into Jungkook's chest.
"Are you crying because you feel guilty for not being there for Taehyung?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded.
"I guess that makes sense... he was your best friend, after all, of course, you'd want to be there for him when he's going through a rough time... and I guess being pregnant is making you very emotional" Jungkook muttered and then sighed. "Sorry Jiminie, maybe someday you'll see him again. But not now."
Jimin remained silent not trusting himself to speak. He was afraid if he spoke now that Jungkook would be able to tell he was lying, and he just couldn't risk that.
~A/N: Thoughts?

Will we ever be ok?
FanfictionJungkook fell in love with Jimin the moment he met him. And maybe things would have worked out had they dated properly and had Jungkook's jealously not gotten the best of him. But alas Jungkook just had to go and kidnap him and now Jimin wonders if...