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Suga's POV

I knew that I can't save Lisa by myself. So, I went to BamBam

"Kunphimook!" I called him by his real name

"Suga, nice meeting you here...Wait...I thought Lisa was with you?" I can sense that he is in a state of confusion

"Yeri....Yeri got her...This was all her plan all along" I explained to him

"What's her plan! What IS HER PLAN!?" He shouted at me

"She wanted to kidnap Lisa to get revenge" I explained to him

"Fuck! We should go now!" He told me

"Do you have a gun?" I asked him while we're walking to his car

"I have one in my house...We don't have time to go there" He told me as we got inside his car

"We need to save her now"


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