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LIKE THE TITLE THIS IS INFO there i s a summery at the bottom if u dont wanna read the paragraphs 

Naomi Marley- Nao  

               Vampire (Born


               August 14th 


               Music Writer 

Jackie Amhed-Jay

            Vampire (Bitten, Master>N/A)


             May 9th



Kayko Adachi-Kay



                June 19th



Brittany Vanity-Brit
                 Werewolf Dragon Hybrid


                  July 16th


                  Two kids

That's all the characters for now since it would give the story up if I wrote more now  going to do how the werewolf vampire crap works

There is no separate realm humans, vampires, werewolves, witches all live in the same place.In this story yo could be living next to one and never know.

There is order in the supernatural community there are rules the main is humans aren't to know about supernaturals. Vampires and  Werewolves are still enemies and don't like each other but our group is an exception. There is a council where the highest up of each Species is called in to deal with supernatural world problems. The council has smaller councils for each Species Ex:Werewolf council.

Weres still have Alphas and Betas. Betas are Third in command Deltas are second in command Alphas are 1st but they Beta is to take over the pack if the Alpha dies Deltas are always deltas death wont change that But Betas are only temporary if there is no Alpha blood old enough to rule in the pack. Ex: if the alpha family is killed but the son/daughter of the family survives the Beta is to take over until the son/daughter comes of age Alpha blood is needed to run the pack. If the entire family dies the pack will disband. Weres are different in this story there are just werewolves and werecats. All weres weakness are the same sliver and Mercury,Wolfsbane only affects werewolves.Werecats wont be weak to Wolfsbane like werewolves are.There are still packs where the weres live but Werewolves are the most common they have the most population.

Vampires- There still weak to sunlight and are pale They Don't Sparkle This Isn't Twilight! Vampires can stand in sunlight without getting burnt by wearing special sunscreen they still drink blood but mainly get it from blood banks or hunting, yes they do feed on humans No they wont turn unless a vampire drinking them till they have little blood left then lets them drink there blood But there is a possibility that the human will die if a non pureblood does it. There is a 25% chance for the human to survive a normal vampires attempt to turn them there is a 100% chance for purebloods. Purbloods are very rare there are less the 30 left because of True mates.When a human is turned the vampire that turned them is their master they have no free will when it comes to them. They can only be freed by there master if there master dies without freeing them they die too.

Shifters they don't have an other half like werecreatures that cant feel the feelings of what they shift into like horse shifters they cant talk to there horse because there is no one there. Most creatures have shifters but not insects. NO INSECT SHIFTERS! Some shifters are Rare the rares of them all are Dragons they can disappear without a trace and No families are known only Dragon hybrids and the 1/35 that are known and disappear aft9er some time.

Yes there are witches and succubuss and Sirens they exists they are well hidden they don't want other supernaturals to know they exist. Some witches,succubus, and Siren families are known and want to be heard of and join packs or are of use to packs.

Hybrids- they are a mix between spices there is too many possibilities to explain them all But some genes pass on more then others Ex: A were wolf and cat of a litter of 4 pups/kittens some may have were cat form some may have a werewolves form but All will have both wolves and cats traits like passiveness from wolves and quick reflexes from cats.Werewolves and Vampires have no Known history of ever being able to mate and conceive a child therefore there are no Vampire Werewolf Hybrid. There are Human and Everything else hybrids The supernatural part will most likely power over and smother the Human traits there is a 15% chance for the child to be perfectly half and half and a 4% chance to be full human.

True Mates-  The one made perfectly made for some else. Humans don't have true mates well unless its a supernatural. This is how spices began to cross and louse power. True mates can be anyone under the sun no matter guy or girl. When you meet your True mate or Mate for sure you'll know they give off the best smell you have ever known, well you touch sparks fly its the most amazing thing ever.


I think ive covered all that needs to be known i know ive missed somethings but i dont really care right now. Down here is a summery there is no separate  realm there are  Werewovles and Werecats they dont get along with Vampires. Vampires are weak to sunlight and its hard to make more if there not born.There are shifters for other animals the dont feel what there animal thinks cuz theres no one there No INSECT shifetrs. Dragons and Unicorns exist.Some creatures prefer to remain hidden from everyone. Hybrids are Mixed basically there is no vamp. were hybrid known.True mates the perfect half of a supe.(supernatrual)


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