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The raven-haired boy sighed as he saw his hyung close the door behind him. He would probably wait about ten minutes before closing for the day and heading home, there was no point in waiting.

 He rested his chin on his proped-up hand and glanced around the shop bored. He had woken up craving to stay in bed and cuddle his pillow but of cource Jimin wouldn't let him. He groaned and banged his head on the pastel counter.

 For a few minutes he just sat there, trying to hear something, anything, but there was nothing for him to hear. Suddently the bell chimed and he groaned even harder. He definitely not in the mood for stupid customers.

 "Do you greet all your customers like that or am I that unlikable?"

 At the sound of the deep voice Jungkook's neck snapped upwards. A small smile tugged his lips as he saw Taehyung crossing his arms, a smirk on his own face. The younger's smile only widened as he watched the ginger walk towards him.

 "Sorry, it's just that I feel extremely tired today."

 "It's probably beause of last night."

 The younger's eyebrows furrowed for a split moment before he remebered what he had done last night. His cheeks reddened to the point his face looked like a tomato which made Taehyung laugh.

 "You're so cute Kookie."

 The boy only shook his head and looked down at his hands. He tried to think of the ugliest thing imaginable, like Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung getting it on, or an old wrinkled dick, not wanting to have a problem. There was silence and Jungkook felt eyes on him, intense, warm.

 "You look nice today."

 His voice was sweet but Jungkook snorted non-the-less. "Are you kidding me? I look like a homless person."

 That day he hadn't even tried to look good, he had just worn the first comfortable thing he found. He got up from his seat as an idea came to him. He picked up his things making Taehyung frown. He then grabbed the older's hand and dragged him towards the exit. He pushed Taehyung out and locked the door behind him.

 "Where are we going?"


The younger boy drawled out the word and smiled cutely up at the older. Taehyung only shook his head but didn't attempt to take his hand away from the younger's.

So they walked in silence, hand in hand, to wherever Jungkook wanted them to go.

"Could you at least give me a clue?"

The raven acted as if he was deep in thought which caused a playful jab in the ribs from the older. He giggled before deciding to reveal their destination.

"Well, I have no particular place to go. I just really wanted to spend some time with you."

The apples of cheeks grew slightly pink as he avoided the ginger's gaze. Taehyung on the the other hand couldnt help but feel butterflies in his stomach as he looked lovingly at the younger.

"If you wanted to spend time with me you could have said so."

He raised his free hand- the one that wasn't holding Jungkook's small one- and grabbed his chin, making them both stop in their tracks.

It was as time stopped too and as  feelings took over, they lost sense of where they were, for getting completely they were in a public street.

The younger innocently peered into Taehyung's eyes and almost got lost in the soft chestnut colour.

It was almost inevitable as they both leaned closer and closer, eliminating the space between them until their lips finally touched.

It was definitely not the first kiss both of them has experienced but itcertainly felt like it.

It was too cheesy too admit but Jungkook felt as if he was floating in the clouds, his whole being alert and focused on the one and only Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung himself was completely lost in the feeling the simple kiss which is why he was slightly dazed.

It was just the beginning but they both knew they were intoxicated with each other.

The innocent kiss quickly broke up, mostly because they were too scared of what was to come next. After that they continued walking, still holding hands but avoiding each others eyes.

As they strolled through town Jungkook's eye caught a vintage looking poster with two elephants dressed in smart clothing, one holding a cane and the other riding  bike. Between them was a smug looking joker and large red letters defined the tittle.

 Between them was a smug looking joker and large red letters defined the tittle

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  "Circus Procession." After reading it out loud the younger hummed in thought and then a brilliant idea came to him.

"Hyung, let's go to the circus!"

"I don know Kookie, a circus? Isn't that too old fashioned?"

The young boy pouted and seeing that the spark in his eyes had died down a   little Taehyung quickly agreed, making the boy jump up and down.

"Yay, it's going to be so fun! Me and Jimminie hyung always wanted to go to a circus, maybe we should invite Yoongi-hyung as well?"

The raven went on rambling as the continued their prolonged walk, Taehyung smiling in affection as he saw the young boy spurt out sentences filled with excitement.


A/N : Boring, short and weird chap, I know its literally been 368 decades since I last updated but I had no motivation whatsoever...... anygays, here ya go

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