16. Pink🎀

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"We need to talk."

The younger's smile faltered slightly at the others serious tone. He took in Yoongi's slightly tense shoulders and his neatly folded hands on top of the table.

A million things rushed to Jimin's mind, mostly negative thoughts and he tried pushing them away, but to no avail.

"What is it huyng?"

"Well its just that- I need to ask something."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and hoped to God it wasn't what he think it was. If he knew, he would never see him the same way.

"G-go ahead."

The younger sank a little further into his seat and wrapped an arm around his forearm. . He bit his lip slightly but still looked at the older. Straight in the eyes. Or maybe he tried. Yoongi avoided eye contact.

"What are we?"

The words left his lips like a rushing river. After hearing the question Jimin's whole posture relaxed and he let a small smile paint his lips.

Yoongi on the other hand was (finally) looking at the younger with a mixture of both anxiousness and seriousness.

"What do you want us to be?" There was playfulness in his tone and he hoped he could light up the atmosphere.

The thing is that he was beyond happy and excited at the raven's question.

"Isn't it obvious?I want us to be more than just... this. Lovers. I want us to be official."

  He was giddy as he felt butterflies swarm in his stomach and the mere mention of the word. Lovers. It sounded amazing, even in his head.

A huge smile broke on his face and he stopped the overwhelming urge to jump out of his seat and scream with all his might.

He brought his chair closer and leaned in as near the older as possible, the huge smile never leaving his face.

"You mean it hyung? You would want something like that with me?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at that. "Why the hell wouldn't I? You are the definition of perfection. I'm seriously lucky."

At that Jimin sank back up again. "N-no hyung. Don't say that... I..."

"Jimin, shut up. You are perfect
For me you are. Now tell me. Would you? I'm not really good with this dating thing, barely done any of that romantic shit, but I can try. I know we've only known each other for barely a few weeks, but I've feel like I've known you my whole life. I can wait though, as long as you need and-"

If Jimin hadn't put his lips on his, Yoongi would have probably never stop talking and over thinking.

The kiss was little awkward since Jimin was literally half lying on the table between them, and their lips barely touched but it was perfect.

Yoongi only leaned in closer and smiled into the soft kiss, letting his anxiousness fade. Jimin was all there was now.

When they did break apart, Jimin sat back, cheeks ablaze. He looked shyly down at his cup and watched thought his eyelashes as Yoongi tried to hide a smile behind his mug.

"S-so does this mean we are... together now?"

Yoongi laughed lightly, he himself was feeling giddy, like a school girl being accepted by her long life crush.

" I mean we can try, I know this is pretty fast but..."

He  cut off, because at that certain moment, he came to see one of the few things he loved most; Jimin's smile.

That big genuine smile which made him look even more beautiful and ethereal than he already was. His full lips stretched to a breathtaking smile, all bright and pearly teeth shown  (even the cute crooked one). His cheeks squished in his chocolate eyes, transforming them into small crescent moons.

Yoongi could only stare, lips parted, at the beauty before him, his boyfriend, which looked as perfect as a human can get.


"Yes Yoonie hyung?"

Yoongi was sure his heart melted at the nickname  (A\N and so did mine)

"How the hell are you so perfect?"

I'mmidentally, the boy's face became beet red as he stammered a reply. The raven laughed once again, wholeheartedly as the boy's flustered state was too cute.

"Hyung stop!"

His voice was and low muffled whine as he covered his face with his hands.

Reaching out to the other, Yoongi grabbed one of his hands and brought it to his lips, kissing the knuckles softly.

"Oh my God, stop, I feel like my heart is going to burst." (A/N low key dying inside)

The raven only laughed once again as he rubbed  circles on his palm.

"I want to show you something. Or rather, give you something."

Taken slightly aback Jimin only nodded and took a last sip of his drink, to wherever Yoongi wanted them to go, butterflies once more flying rumbling in his stomach as he and Yoongi held hands.

I knooooiioww I haven't updated in literally a year but shit happened. I'll try to be a little more consistent.

Meanwhile enjoy this FLUFF filled chapter. Yoonmin is officially official. So there you go!!!

Until next time,
Satan OUT

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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