Zodiac Shorts

116 4 48

Aries: Petra
Taurus: Axel
Gemini: Olivia
Cancer: Lukas
Leo: Jesse (depends on situation)
Virgo: Stacy
Libra: Lizzie
Scorpio: Dan
Sagittarius: Stampy
Capricorn: Ivor
Aquarius: Sparklez
Pisces: Anthony

The signs at a hotel

Petra: I'd rather sleep on the floor than with him! *points to Ivor*
Axel: *eats all the food*
Lukas: You're paying for that, Axel...
Olivia: This hotel feels nice doesn't it?
Male Jesse: *listening to The Weekend with Stacy and making dirty jokes.*
Stacy: *really uncomfortable* oh my god.......
Lizzie: *talking with Olivia* It is!
Dan: *already sleeping*
Stampy: *Dragging Sparklez to the cafe* Lets go! I hear there's cats!
Ivor: *giving Petra the death stare* Foolish girl!
Sparklez: Stampy, it's a lie!
Anthony: *looking at Stampy and Sparklez from the cafe* Tch, idiots...

Crush Squads

Uninvolved with crushes: Dan
Has a hopeless crush: Petra and Lukas (probably on each other)
Just creepy people have crushes on them: Axel, Ivor, and Anthony
Their crush likes their friend: Stampy, Sparklez, and Olivia
Lots of people have crushes on them: Jesse (both) and Lizzie
Someone has a crush on them but they just don't notice: Stacy

Signs at a Sleepover

Petra: *running around and jumping on the beds. Sometimes throws pillows at Jesse*
Axel: *telling spooky stories*
Lukas: *on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat*
Olivia: *gets scared by Axels stories*
Jesse (F): *Taking selfies and sending them to Lukas. Otherwise getting hit by Petra's pillows*
Stacy: *reading a book*
Lizzie: *playing truth or dare with Dan*
Dan: *giving Lizzie all the stupid dares*
Stampy: *watching TV. Probably a kids cartoon*
Sparklez: *having a late night snack*
Anthony: *tried to stay awake like a big boy, but fell asleep*

When the signs realize they're falling for someone

Axel: I'm still not sharing my fries...
Olivia: What the frack?
Lukas: Not again!
Jesse (both): Oh gwad
Stacy: No thanks
Lizzie: *singing 'Helpless' from Hamilton*
Dan: But why me?
Stampy: *asking the same question as Dan*
Ivor: I didn't sign up for this
Sparklez: *fell on the floor*
Anthony: uh bye?

Sleepover (Part 2)

Stampy: Is ANYONE awake?
Stacy: Well I am now
Lizzie: SHUSH! I need at least ten hours of beauty sleep!
Sparklez: what's the meaning of life?
Ivor: Quiet you!
Lukas: Can we be quiet? Romeo and Xara are going to hear us!
Anthony: I can't find Olivia!
Olivia: I'm under the bed
Jesse (both): What the actual fu-
Petra: *under the bed with Olivia* Hey
Axel: Okay everyone is found. Can we go back to sleep?
Dan: *looking outside* Be quiet

What the signs do in bed

Cries: Stacy
Dirty stuff probably: Dan
Sleeps: Jesses, Stampy, and Anthony
Hoeing (the fuck is that?): Lukas and Lizzie
On their phones: Petra, Olivia, Ivor
Eating: Axel and Sparklez

Levels of Gay (I only agree with a few of theses)

Petra: Level 5 gay
Axel: 50%
Olivia: Slightly gay
Lukas: Gay on Sundays
Jesses: 3/10 gay
Stacy: The gayest of the gays
Lizzie: Only gay for a few people
Dan: Kinda?
Stampy: Only gay if anyone says he is.
Ivor: Gay Monday - Wednesday
Sparklez: Gay for themselves
Anthony: Probably the only straight guy here

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