Closing In

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I didn’t walk very far, the day was probably going to feel like forever on my own. I only went about one hundred metres before I sat down against a tree. I felt emotionally drained. One minute he was here, the next, he was gone. Now I’m all alone and still attached to the thought of having Caius by my side. But I’ll never see him again, no matter what happens.

I thought about his mother back in 7, how she must be feeling knowing that me, the only person outside his friends, family and district that he ever trusted practically betrayed him. But I didn’t! I saved him from a much worse fate, in time they’ll see. It wasn’t just selfish, was it?

I don’t need to win to finish this, or maybe I do. Maybe I’m just like them.

After a while of these thoughts running through my head I realised that I was crying and I spent a long while after just trying to stop.

I realised that it was probably too dangerous sitting out here in the open just crying so I headed back to the ruins so that I could hide myself. I know I was being too loud and thunderous with my footsteps but when I left the shroud of trees and saw the ruins in front of me I heard something much louder.

I took out my knife and held it in front of me, looking side to side almost frantically. I saw a pair of feet poking out from the hidey-hole in the ruins and recognised the sound as snoring. I walked slowly around the corner and nearly smiled to myself when I saw Haymitch lying there, knife in hand, snoring in the middle of the arena.

I tried to hold back a laugh and snorted a little, but he was sleeping far too deeply to hear. I took a few steps back from him before I tried to rouse him; he was wielding a knife after all. I grabbed a piece of brick that had crumbled from the walls and gently tossed it at his shoulder.

The minute it made contact his eyes shot open and the knife was flailing around madly, his eyes just as wild.

“Hey, hey, hey!” I put my hands up as if to say that I mean him no harm. “I’m just telling you that I can hear you snoring from the other side of the clearing, and I wasn’t even listening for it.”

“Oh it’s you, where’s lover boy?” he grumbled.

My face dropped and I averted my gaze.

“Ah, I see, gone from this place is he?”

“How did you know I was teamed up with him?”

“I’ve seen you two up and about, and down and well, not doing too much.” He sniggered a little.

“You’ve just been avoiding people and sneaking around haven’t you?”

“As a matter of fact I have, except for that little bastard from 1.”

“What happened there?” I sat down opposite him against the ruins.

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