The Truth

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Steve's POV

I walked into the nursing home, waving to the woman behind the desk. She blushed and waved back as I got Peggy's room number. 

The elevator ride to her floor was quiet and I was tense the entire time. I didn't know what to say, what to do. Nick told me she was here, that she was alive. I'd almost decided not to come, but I wasn't sure if Peggy knew I was okay.

The door to her room was white and I wasn't sure how long I'd been standing outside the door before knocking. It had felt like hours before I heard a voice tel me to come in. 

I walked in, the room was white and bland. There was a nightstand with framed pictures next to a queen sized bed. And in the bed laid an older woman, probably in her 80's or 90's. Her eyes lit up as they landed on me and I felt a  smile break across my face. "Peggy."

We talked for a couple hours before I knew I needed to get back to the compound before the team wondered where I'd been. "I gotta go Peggy. I'll come back though. I promise.

Peggy gently took my hand before I could make myself stand up and her eyes met mine for a second. "Steve, there's something I have to tell you. Do you remember the night after the serum injection back in 1945?" She asked gently. 

I felt a smile pull at my lips and nodded. That was the first night Peggy and I had made love. It was the first and last time, sadly, but I still remembered every moment.

I wanted to go back to that moment, but Peggy kept speaking. "Well, I found out a few weeks after you went into the ice that I was pregnant. Steve, you have a daughter out there somewhere. Hydra took her from me four years after her birth. I don't know where she is now, but I heard a rumor before I retired from SHIELD that she was turned into a super soldier after the serums were stolen from Howard and his wife. I think she's still alive Steve."

I felt my heart stop. All this time, I had a daughter. I had someone to fight for. Every time I had put my life in danger, I had thought I didn't have any family left, but Peggy wouldn't lie to me about this. I have a daughter somewhere in this world. And I will find her. 

Hey guys! I'm sorry for this chapter being so short, but I will be posting another chapter tonight to make up for it!



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